in preparation for snow, ice, and generalized ….
…ickyness that tomorrow is supposed to bring, I’ve been working very hard to try and get a few things accomplished today. I am having marginal success. It’s the same old song – it’s too noisy! The phone won’t quit ringing! New Person J won’t quit yakking at me! So I won’t bore you with the details. I’ll just do another survey because apparently I just can’t get enough of them lately! And otherwise I just sit here staring at the blankness, trying to write something and coming up with nothing that would even interest me, let alone anyone else. I swiped this from Theox , who always has fun surveys.
1. Where do you hang your towel to dry after showering? Well, this is already embarrassing. Since our towel holders fell off the wall quite some time ago, we hang the towels on the little bits of towel holder that are hanging from the wall. Like, the metal thing that attaches the holder to the wall. There’s something wrong with our wall – NOTHING will stay up there. Everything just pulls right out of the wall and leaves a huge hole in the drywall. It’s not something wrong with US. I keep trying to come up with another solution, and so far have failed. Yes, we do kind of live like hobos.
2. What kind of mousepad do you have? A very impressionistic-painting-like one that features a big cup of coffee, with Le Cafe in big swirly letters rising in the steam above it. And also features huge red ink blotches in the upper left and lower right corners.
3. Do you brush your hair with a comb or a brush? A brush if I brush it. I have this great haircut that generally just needs ruffling by hand occasionally.
4. Who do you think is the hottest celebrity? Well, Steve Buscemi, of course.
I mean, DUH.
The only time I’ve ever really gotten a nasty note from someone was when I made a joking remark on her diary about Steve Buscemi. She’d made a list of actors she considered hotties, and Steve Buscemi was high on the list. I said something like, "Steve Buscemi??? Steve Buscemi???? Okay, Ralph Feines I can see, but… STEVE BUSCEMI???"
Now, that’s the sort of thing I’d say to a favorite and they would totally understand I was just kidding. She didn’t find it funny, though. She was quite irate that I would make fun of her taste in men. Oh, well. Incidentally, I adore Steve Buscemi and will watch anything with him in it. I also enjoy joking with Baker B about what a hottie he is.
5. You have a project due tomorrow, do you use tape or glue? I’d use a time machine and go to day after tomorrow.
6. Chicken or pork? Chicken. Hands down. I grew up in a Weird Religion and we did not consume pork. So I never really developed a taste for it. I like pepperoni. And ham once in a very blue moon.
7. Is it still dark when you get to school? No. It’s not even still dark when I get up.
8. If you had a chance to be a unicorn or a mermaid which would it be? It would depend on where I was going to be living.
9. What color is your underwear? Why is it that every single survey I do shows an obsessive and disturbing interest in my underwear?? Well, it’s mauve, if you must know.
10. What time does the sun usually set? Sometime around six, I believe. Sunset is later every day, hooray!! I long for those light-till-nearly-nine-at-night days.
11. Who/what do you think of last before you go to sleep? How can I get out of going to work tomorrow?? How can I get…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
12. AC or fan? Fan. I don’t like AC. Where I live, it’s not necessary. I like open windows.
13. Do you wear braces? No. I kept the optometrist in business, but never had braces.
14. Can you do a handstand? No. I never did manage that. Everyone I knew – boys included – could do cartwheels and handstands and all sorts of gymnastics. I never could.
15. If you were the opposite sex, how would you style your hair? That’s an interesting question. Probably about how I style it now. Shaggy and fairly short. It’s easy.
16. What level English are you in? Ummmm….. Super Ultra Top High level??? I AM the Grammar Police.
17. Jessica Simpson or Alba? Isn’t Alba a weight-loss shake? I’d take that over Jessica Simpson.
18. Which subject is worse, English or Math? Are you serious?? Math. No contest. Numbers are out to get me.
19. What’s one thing you want to do this very moment? Have dinner. I’m starving.
20. What movie are you embarrassed to admit you’ve watched? I can’t think of any movie I’m embarrassed to admit I watched. I only watch good stuff. There are plenty I wonder what possessed me to watch them, but nothing I’d be ashamed to admit. Even that porn movie I went to with two of my cousins when we were in college. That was hysterical – we laughed the whole way through it. Oddly, I don’t think I’ve thought of that in about twenty years.
21. CD player or iPod? Oh, iPod. No contest. I bought a mini two years ago, and I love love love it.
22. Would you rather spin upside down going 30 miles [per hour?], or drop 400 ft. into water? Well, NEITHER. I guess if I was forced at gunpoint to pick, I’d pick spinning. [Per hour].
23. What’s your favorite shape? Trapezoid.
24. What do you have planned for the weekend? If it’s not bad weather, I pretty much have to go visit my overly dependent parents. I think we’ll do the duel-parent-visit and go to Baker B’s mom’s as well. If it’s bad, I’ll stay here. I’m kind of all for staying here.
25. Have you ever gone ice skating? I have – I went with a cousin when we lived in DC. To an outdoor rink near the mall. I really enjoyed it, and I’ve never been back.
26. If you were put into a room with nothing except and pencil and paper, what would you do? Write an amusing account of being in a room with nothing except pencil and paper.
27. Is it always easy finding your remote every time you want to watch TV? We have a teeny livingroom and something like eight remotes. They don’t go far because there’s nowhere much for them to go. So usually finding one isn’t a problem. Sometimes finding the RIGHT one is difficult. Stereo, VCR, DVD, TV, satellite, and the two or three which cover some of the above in various combinations.
28. How was your day? Busy. As usual. I did go walk on the treadmill, though. Ten degrees outside and all! I think that’s the third time in a week I’ve gone. And walked three miles.
29. Do you grow your nails, bite, or cut them? I grow them now. Weirdly, they are probably the longest they have ever been, and I don’t know why. Unless it’s all that healthy eating I’ve been trying to do. They’re long and not breaking off. It’s strange. I bit them to the quick until I was in college.
30. Describe your handwriting: Small and scribbly. I used to have nice handwriting, but not anymore.
31. Do you consider yourself a stalker? Ummmmm….. NO!! Of course not!!!!!!! Nice shoes, though.
32. Do you bruise easily? Physically or emotionally?
33. There’s nothing on TV except Barney and Japanese news, what do you do? I’d watch Japanese news just to see Japanese news. When that got tiresome, I’d read.
34. Do you know more than three MySpace codes? I don’t even know what a MySpace code is, so apparently not.
35. You have an essay to write, do you type or write in pen? Why on earth would you NOT type an essay?? The last time I had to write an essay, we just had typewriters so I’d do it by hand first and THEN type it. But that’s been awhile. But honestly, of COURSE I’d type it. That’s what Word is for, dude.
36. Do you wear jeans to relax at home? I wear "yoga pants" usually. As in stretchy loungy pants that have seen very little yoga. And are too baggy to wear in public.
37. Describe yourself using three words: Bitter, sarcastic, and tainted. Oh, ooops, those are the three words a friend of ours used ages ago to describe himself, and we STILL laugh about it.
38. Do you use deodorant? Well, YES.
39. Do you like ice in your drink? If it’s supposed to be cold, yes.
That’s it?? That was sudden. I was just starting to have fun!
I want to see a picture of your haircut.
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Me too.
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WHAT? You use deodorant??? Well, I am very offended and I have to steal this survey now.
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Super Ultra Top High level! I want to know what the Grammer Police Unifprm looks like. Do you have semicolons hanging from your belt? I liked #26, both the question and your answer. Hope you get a snow day…a safe snow day with chocolate chips.
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Unifprm??? Well, that must be like taking a swig out of the vodka bottle when the trooper pulls me over. Uniform, I meant uniform… Officer.
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enjoy your snow day
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Your survey answers are always so interesting and clever. I can never make myself post answers to these things. Just call me forever a wimp. xxoo,
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Steve Buscemi is hot? Yikes! Now does this mean I’ll get a mean note from you? Is pepperoni even considered a certain type of meat species??? Loved your survey answers as always!!! :))
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I don’t know what a Myspace code is either. I hope you forgave me for going off about about Quentin Tarantino. And I want your haircut.
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‘semicolons hanging from your belt’ – I like that.
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