goodbye, colfax

Poor little Colfax just disappeared yesterday. It was the weirdest thing – she’s been wanting to go outside lately, which we thought was a good sign. Neither cat ever goes far – they just hang out around the deck usually – but she hadn’t even done that in ages. She’d just lie on the plushy little cat bed I bought her most of the time, only coming out to eat. So we thought she must be feeling better when she started wanting to go outside again. Baker B got home before I did yesterday and left the deck door open for her, and when I got out of the car she came dashing up to me, meowing like mad. Which was really strange – she’s never been a very vocal cat. So I said hi to her and petted her and she just kept carrying on like she was telling me something terribly urgent. I picked her up and carried her in the house, sat her down – – and never saw her again.

The deck door was still open, so she must have gone right back out and didn’t come back. Baker B said she’ d meowed like that to him too. She must have been telling us goodbye. And even though we certainly expected her not to live much longer after being diagnosed with leukemia, still, it’s so shocking. Of course we’ve looked and looked and looked for her, yesterday and last night, and Baker B went home at lunch and looked some more. We’ve searched inside and outside the house, and searched around the neighbor’s house, and he’s combed the woods behind our house. And he keeps saying she may still turn up – but I can’t imagine she will. She’s skin and bones, frail, feeble, and probably 95 in human years. I guess she went off to die. And I feel just awful, not even getting to tell her goodbye.

I’m glad she didn’t suffer, at least. I guess if you have to go, that’s the way to do it. But it’s an awful shock, to have her just vanish. And I do hope she’s not inside the house somewhere. We’ve searched and searched, but it would really be awful to find her later on. Ewww.

Stella was helping us hunt for Colfax, which was kind of funny. She’d run around with us, looking anxious and like she knew something was wrong. On the positive side, I guess we can put her on a serious diet now. She’s getting so heavy I’m afraid I’m going to do something dire to my back just picking her up. And it was hard to limit her food without limiting Colfax’s, who has always been on the skinny side.

Well, I need to get back to work and don’t want to get all weepy in front of my coworkers. Even though K and J have been terribly nice – J is a cat lover herself, with two cats they treat like kids, and although K isn’t a pet person, she has a daughter with a menagerie. So I’ll end with some pictures – I don’t have that many of Colfax on Flickr, sadly – I’ve got scads of pictures of her that I’ve scanned,  but I lost my Picturetrail account before getting much put on Flickr, and I can’t get what’s on the old dinosaur computer off of it and onto something else. It won’t save to any of its drives anymore, and I can’t get the UBC drive thing to work. And last time I tried I couldn’t get anything to upload to Flickr from it, thanks I’m sure to dial-up. So I’m not sure what to do about that. I guess if we ever get DSL I can upload them all then, but I fear the computer dying first.










And I just posted that one – it’s from a few weeks ago.


Wow, I really DON’T have many of her on Flickr – that’s about IT. And I really DO have lots of pictures of her! She was not as photogenic as Stella, so I took more of Stella with the digital.

And I think I already posted this one, that I found on an ancient disc I’d forgotten all about, from 2000. I’ve got to do something about all those scanned photos.

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May 10, 2007

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 🙁 Godspeed, Colfax!

May 10, 2007

I am so sorry to read about Colfax. They seem to know when it is their time.

May 10, 2007

oh gosh…i’m really sorry. i feel sad too now. it’s just amazing how animals know instinctively when the time is near. if she lived with you i’m sure she had a good life. i guess nothing i say will make you feel better, but know that i have had some very special “furry children” pass on, and it’s a loss. 🙁

I sincerely hope she shows up. How horribly sad. 🙁

May 10, 2007

I’m so sorry. Animals do know when their time has come. They find a way to meet their destiny. And, I do believe that she was telling you both good-bye. (((hugs)))

May 10, 2007

I’m hoping Colfax is just out enjoying the freedom … although the alternative is possible … I’m really really really really hoping she returns. (HUGS)

May 10, 2007

Oh, Beth, I am so very very sorry! God, it just kills me when a beloved pet goes missing.

May 10, 2007

Oh, my heart goes out to you all! I like the dignity she shows in that first shot. The not really knowing must be driving you all mad.

she said good bye. she knew. i am so sorry for your loss.

May 11, 2007

I’m so sorry about Colfax – it seems she’s been part of the family for such a long time. Don’t blame yourself for not saying goodbye. You picked her up and petted her when she was distressed, exactly the right thing to do. That’s what she wanted and that’s what you did. She probably understood it as goodbye, even if you didn’t use that word. It’s just that you didn’t know it was goodbye. Shedid.

I’m sorry about your cat. Cats tend to want to go off and die on their own. We’ve had a couple of family cats that have done that. With a family pet, it would be nicer to know where they decided to go.

July 11, 2007

Sorry to read this about Colfax. I had heard about animals going off to die but Ive never heard one that did the frantic meowing before hand.

July 11, 2007

Did you ever find Colfax’s body?

September 25, 2007

I’m so sorry. Bless her heart. I was afraid of this when you didn’t mention her.