draaaaama queens

What fun. Nothing quite like drama queens on a Friday! Early registration for summer and fall classes ends today, so I’ve had about ten zillion calls and walk-ins this past half hour, wailing because they can’t register. And waaaahhhhhhh, it’s 4:00 on Friday, Last Pre-Registration Day!!! Generally they can’t register because they neglected some vital task. Like meeting with their advisor, which they had three weeks to do. That was the case for the last little drama queen, who, boo hoo, tried for WEEKS and WEEKS to meet with her advisor and she’s never there and she never answers her phone calls and she never answers her emails and can’t I give her the advising code so she can register pleeeezzzzzeeee????? Ummm, NO. I send her off to the chair of her department who of course comes rushing in with her a few minutes later and has me find her file (this is all K’s job, dealing with these stupid files,  but she left at 3:30 today) and ta da,  Little Mz. Drama Queen actually didn’t show up for two appointments with her advisor. NO SHOW!! Right there in her folder. He gave her the number anyhow, and hoped she wasn’t lying to him. Gee, I’m sure she wasn’t! No chance of that!! That’s exactly why I’ll never ever EVER give them their code.  

Even better, though, is the office drama. Which is giving me an ulcer. Insane Boss and New Person J are just about in an all-out war now. Yesterday Insane Boss wanted to find something on a spreadsheet New Person J keeps. She stood over J, complained about how she isn’t able to find things she needs, demanded J find a better way to maintain this spreadsheet, told J she doesn’t trust her to keep accurate data (tried to modify that by adding "I don’t trust anyone, which, frankly, just made it worse) and then said "I AM your boss!!!"

All right in front of me, and loud enough that one of our office worker students heard the whole thing too. I’d been attempting to ignore them because I was trying to do something that required some concentration, like I’ll ever get THAT in a million years around here, so I had them kind of tuned partway out until voices started getting raised. Later on, J told me that she is absolutely furious about it, and was not coming in today. She’d planned to take a half day off then decided she wasn’t coming in at all. If she just quits, I’ll not be one bit surprised. Insane Boss has driven J completely over the edge by micromanaging her. And she’s already made an enemy of K by insinuating that K was not keeping an accurate comp time sheet. K is STILL outraged.

So J is furious, K is furious, and Insane Boss keeps getting crazier, more paranoid, and more micromanagery.   And I think I have Middle Child Syndrome, as I just try to stay out of the line of fire and make everyone happy.

This morning New Boss comes swooping in, doesn’t say hello to anyone, and took an hour to figure out J wasn’t here. Then she said, "Well, you’ll have to look up everything for me!" When I stared at her in disbelief, she said, "Well, I guess most things can wait till Monday."

Later on she tells one of our student workers that they need to come upstairs where she is having a meeting at a quarter of 11, and see if she needs anything. Not, "if I need anything, I’ll call you and you can run it up!" But, "Come to the meeting at this pre-set time and see if I need anything!" K and I were aghast – she’s like this total prima donna.  

 Boy I miss Dr. Airhead.

And now it’s nearly time to go. I don’t know how I thought I could actually write anything with this madness going on around me.

Oh, but duuuuuudes – go check out  this diary  –  funniest.read.ever. Especially if you have had your fill of all the mommy diaries that seem to have taken over OD of late. This is absolutely hysterical. Falling Dog had a link, and I’m not quite convinced it isn’t her in disguise- but you MUST see it!! 

And happy Friday!

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I sure don’t envy you your job. I think I’d kill somebody.

March 30, 2007

Wow, I miss Dr. Airhead, too! No, it’s not my diary. Damn. It’s a masterpiece!

March 30, 2007

I am afraid some of these kids just don’t get it. Sometimes I am afraid I just don’t get it. Good luck,

to bad insane boss isnt pregnant with oh i cant spell that..anyway, you are doing fine, staying out of the firing line. i am surprised all of you have not gotten blue flu all at the same time

March 30, 2007

*chuckles* Nice to hear tem babies is all all right. *shakes head* So, yeah. The chair that I used to work for was Dr. D’Something. So, I always called her Dr. D. But eventually, with the micromanaging and other craziness, she became Dr. D’Mento. She wasn’t a bad person and I really did like her, but man, she couldn’t keep a secretary. I find that women in the academic world have to be crazy. Because there is so much backstabbing and cattiness just because people are trying to get tenure. Put them in a position that was traditionally a man’s and they will do ANYthing to prove themselves. Do we know why? Because if a woman fails at it, it’s because she’s a woman. If a man fails at it, there is obviously too much work and he needs an assistant.

March 30, 2007

Staring in disbelief – very good strategy.

March 30, 2007

My usb drive matched the shirt I wore today, which I didn’t notice until our server guru asked me if I planned the color scheme.Funny.Yes,like I have one drive for each outfit. Anyway, he showed me his Sandisk 1 gig usb drive which has gone through the wash twice and dryer once and it still works. Amazing! I keep mine on the lanyard with my state id-just so I don’t loose,wash dry, or drive over it

March 30, 2007

RYN – Our network geeks told me if you stay off porn sites, no one cares what you do on the internet. Apparently there are state employees running businesses on state time. As a taxpayer, I’m annoyed. I suppose some political sites wouldn’t be looked at kindly either. No temptation here.

March 30, 2007

Never thought I’d hear you say you missed ol’ Airhead.

March 31, 2007

ryn the avatar is a detail of a green man decoration in the Chicago art institute.

Never a dull moment at your job!!! What will you guys do if J does quit? Sounds like Insane boss needs to quit. I checked out that diary and it made me burst out laughing!! :))

March 31, 2007

RYN: see I should have just asked you and saved time!! I think they came out because it was the second call & it was difficult to describe how he was i.e. he was sleepy but I didn’t know if he was sleeping or if it was something more serious. But they have been out cheerfully before – I saw a brood of ducks (brood’s not the right word but I don’t know what it is) on the Parkway once wandering all over the road because their mum had been run over. I got them into the grass & phoned the SSPCA & they came out to try to catch them. Another time Nikki ran over a rabbit but it was still alive so she took it home and phoned them & they came out not long after to have a look. I didn’t realise we were so lucky! I’m glad he’s in a Better Place now but he was just soooooo cute – even Boyd was besotted and that’s saying something!!

Ok, please don’t slap me…cyber slap me that is…but you have two entries entitled draaaaaama Queens and it’s making my favs list HUGELY WIDE….LOL…Could you please delete some of the aaaa’s???? Thank you.

I could only half understand the entry that I read but the baby pictures were funny. Your new boss does sound crazy. You made me laugh though.

March 31, 2007

Love the babies names *laughs*

March 31, 2007

RYN: I’ve never read any of the mommy diaries you refer to, but obviously i should! Did you notice the monster stretch marks on her bulging belly? *laughs all over again*

March 31, 2007


April 3, 2007

Calgon, take her away! Speaking of going away, I’ve decided to let my diary go. It’s been fun, girlfriend. 🙂 xo,

April 3, 2007

That is so sad for everybody. I think we need a wrinkle in time where everyone is suddenly polite, concerned about other’s welfare, takes responsibility for their own misdeeds and cell phones don’t work. I’d probably faint and miss it, but people could tell me about it.

April 4, 2007

Gee your micro manager and my micro manager should get together.