downsizing is a pain… and who needs tv, anyhow?
A few days ago it struck us that paying nearly $60 a month for something we rarely even use is kind of not-thrifty. And wasteful. And nuts. When one of you thinks the remote is broken and the other of you doesn’t even realize it, and it’s two weeks before it occurs to the first one of you to try changing the batteries and meanwhile the other one of you still hasn’t realized it… well, maybe it’s time to rethink the whole television situation.
We used to watch TV. When we got the Dish, eight or nine years ago, we watched a lot of TV. Well, maybe not a lot, but enough to make paying for it worthwhile. BBC America alone was worth it – all those great BBC shows! Bravo showed cool stuff like Twin Peaks, SciFi showed Dark Shadows, Comedy Central had the British Whose Lines, PBS showed Red Dwarf and Blackadder and Mr. Bean and Ballykissangel… we always had something to watch. And we just had the basic Dish package- nothing fancy. I think back then it was maybe $35 a month. We’d had cable but switched because we got a zillion more channels and way better reception for the same price with Dish.
Over the course of eight or nine years, Dish has climbed up to nearly $60 a month. And there is NOTHING to watch. It’s ALL reality shows. Even BBC America is nothing but reality shows anymore. And if they do accidently throw out a good program, like Clatterford or Kingdom, then it’s gone as soon as I realize it’s on. And the real clincher – everything comes out on DVD now. And it usually comes out fast. At least it comes out fast enough for us – we’ve never been the kinds of people who show up on time for the party. Besides that, most of the stuff we really like is from premium channels like HBO and Showtime and we never got those to begin with- we’ve always had to wait for the DVD.
So. We decide we’re just getting rid of the TV!! Well, not the TV, because we do watch movies and all sorts of stuff from Netflix and we’re currently watching Black Books again, and we just got done watching the first two seasons of Father Ted because our first round with Black Books made us miss Father Ted, and we’ve got the third season of Father Ted on its way and we’ve also got the second season of Dexter at the top of the queue for when it gets released in a few weeks, and then today I made the TREMENDOUSLY exciting discovery that the seventh season of Trailer Park Boys is also coming out in a couple of weeks!!!! So that went to the VERY top of the queue… anyhow, my point is that it’s not like we’re sitting around doing something, oh, productive with all this time that we don’t spend watching actual live TV. We’re keeping Netflix in business is what we’re doing.
So we’d just CANCEL our Dish and give up TV!!! And we’ll rent the DVDs of whatever we want to see when they come out! And we’ll save nearly $60 a month!!! Which Baker B will doubtless immediately use buying up land in Second Life so he can build more stuff there, but that’s beside the point and a whole other story.
Then we realized – LOST!!! We can’t give up Lost!!!!
Yes, the only thing we actually watch is Lost. And it will air between February and May for the next couple of years, barring writer’s strikes and getting cancelled despite a contract to do two more seasons. Oh, and Baker B would like ESPN because he watches that for about fifteen minutes when he gets home from work as he’s eating dinner. (That’s how he’s the one who thought the remote was broken).
So. We can keep paying $60 a month so we can watch Lost the next two springs. If it doesn’t get cancelled and if there are no more writer’s strikes. Or we can cancel the Dish and we can watch Lost online or get it from iTunes, and then watch it again properly when it comes out on DVD. Of course Lost is the one show that takes like a year to get released on DVD.
Or… maybe we can just downsize. I’ve seen ads for cable that give you a bare-bones package for like $10 or $15. All we need is ABC, and maybe ESPN. And quite possibly Dish offers something like that too. So I go check out their websites.
Well, the cheapest thing on the cable company’s website is something like $40 a month. There is a link for basic cable, but no pricing for it. The Dish website’s cheapest listed package is $33 a month. It’s the 100 channel option, which is what we had when we signed up. Now we’re mysteriously on the 200 a month package despite never having switched, and not only that, we’re paying $15 more a month than what they have listed for that package online. So THAT’S annoying.
So I email Dish and ask why we’re paying $15 more than their online price. They email me back and tell me it’s because we’re paying $5 for the receiver and $5 for the local channels. Which are listed as included in the online package. The local channels are – the receiver is not. And the rest apparently is tax. So we’re still getting ripped off $5, not to mention having been bumped up at some point. I’m sure they added packaging and bumped existing customers up and I wasn’t paying attention.
So I call the cable company to see what kind of a deal they have. I call the number listed in our phone book under the local address. It’s not a local number. The salesperson doesn’t know where I am or what they have and has to do a bunch of looking things up. They do in fact have a basic package for $15, but when I give him my address, he says, "I’m showing that you can’t get cable at this address."
"Ummmm… I had cable before we got the Dish," I said. "At this address."
"I’m showing that you can’t get cable at this address," he says.
"But I had cable at this address," I tell him. "With YOUR cable company. At this address. The cable is still sticking out of the wall."
"I’m showing you can’t get cable at this address", he says.
"Oh, FORGET it," I say. "I’ll just go by the cable company’s office at lunch!!"
SO I try to go by at lunch and they are not at the same spot where they used to be. Eight or nine years ago. I’m trying again today, having found out where they are now.
Today I call Dish to see if by chance they have a bare-bones deal that’s not online. Despite being very annoyed at them. It would still be a lot easier to just keep the dish.
And they do in fact have a $20 package. Or one with just local programming for $15. Of course I forgot to ask about ESPN. Now I’m going to see what the cable company tells me, if they in fact have an actual real person at their local office who is capable of figuring out what we can in fact get. And can figure out that if we had cable eight or nine years ago, chances are that we can in fact get cable at that address.
I’m ready at this point to just cut us off and do without. Stay tuned for breaking news!
Just saw your post on the front page and dropped on in. Can I ever identify with your “circle around the Mayberry Pole” situation with the cable company. I did the same thing. We live in Tehachapi, CA and have bare bones cable upstairs and bare bones plus Speed Channel downstairs (where the hubster watches the 27″ t.v.). I have a 14″ DVD combo upstairs in the art room and the only time it gets turned on is at night when Hubster comes in to play games on the computer, and at that, I don’t watch it every night. Keep posting about your outcome… great to know someone else has been living the same nightmare.
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Wouldn’t life be perfect if you could pick out the channels you want and they charge per channel. This “package” business really annoys me because you get a ton of channels you never want to watch. Roger subscribes to everything on DirectTV and there are days I can’t find anything to watch.
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All your cable hassle is one of the reasons I’ve never had cable. (Can’t you get Lost directly? My $20 antenna brings in 20 over the air, regular broadcast stations. That includes several “in between digital stations).
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i like HT’s idea.
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Rural living is sooooooooooooooooo much fun, isn’t it. As for TV, I just can’t watch much anymore, either, given that EVERYTHING is a reality show, and I loathe reality shows.
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Oddly enough I’ve been mulling over the same thing for the past two months. Great minds think alike!
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What is your local ABC station. At my house (in Swannanoa) I have one tv with rabbit ears & I get ABC 13 pretty clearly. I have been able to get a CBS station from Johnson City occasionally (mostly at night) & it is kind of clear. I also get PBS clearly with the ears. I just bought one of those digital signal receiver things & now I get 5 pbs stations with it & ABC is totally clear. The only problem is I think I need better rabbit years with it – because if it is cloudy out I can’t get any signal. It might be worth a try. Plus with Sat/cable companies if you threaten to close your accoutn they will usually bend over backwards to keep you as a customer.
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It seems like one should be able to watch Lost online. Yes, it wouldn’t be on your T.V. But it would be on demand. Have you checked out ABC online? I don’t know what to say about the ESPN dilemma though. It all sounds so frustrating and the technology is changing so fast, there doesn’t seem to be one simple elegant (and inexpensive)solution.
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Yes, Noko as usual is right. BD always watches Lost online – never on cable because of her busy schedule. Just text BD or invade her facebook to ask her how.
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And I’m actually relieved – Your title hinted at an unfortunate job situation so I was worrying in advance.
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Yeah, you know what your fellow Netflix junkies Smile and Sideler are thinking of lately. With our Dish account we watch a lot of Biography and Nat Geo. I wish we could order those channels a la carte so we would not be paying EIGHTY NINE dollars per month. I could give it up in a heartbeat but Sideler, well, no way. So now we have Dish AND Netflix, but we did cancel our two satellite radios to justify the Netflix purchase. Already worth every penny!
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ryn – maybe we won’t be so freaked out by odd occurrances in a few more years. I just read in the New Testament that Jesus said he would come get us but it’s the idea of others, people we know that I’m not as comfortable with. That’s weird – the plants being pulled out. And odder that she didn’t seem to mind.
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dealing with these idiots is sooooooo frustrating! and i blame it on upper management
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We got channels added to our package. I had to call THREE times. Art and I thought that if they didn’t do it, we’d forget it. I like ‘family’ reality shows. I wanted to watch, ‘Jon and Kate plus eight’. It is silly but it amuses me. We loved ‘Lost’ but they kept changing the times of viewing. Then, there was the writer’s strike. We gave up! We don’t watch a lot of television but the children are very happy to have the Discovery Channel.
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I thought about downsizing my Dish package, but to do that would get rid of the National Geographic Channel, which is a main channel for me. They’ve got me right where they want me, darn it.
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ryn Sorry about that. “Everything Burnt All To Shit” was an old entry and I was just adding copyright tags to old entries and that’s where I stopped.
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Morgan had a very barebones package up your way and it was $18.00 a month which was local with a few others including the gameshow network and espn
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We have downsized because we rarely watch TV anymore. I spend much, much more time on the computer and I can download most shows I want to watch off of newsgroups or even YouTube. I will miss on-demand for HBO and Showtime though.
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Just checked out your other blog. Very interesting! How do you have time for BOTH?
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probably a crazy question but can you not get local channels without cable? I think here we can get three and ABC is one of them. I could easily do without cable/TV — except I’m a Lost fan too but the other three ppl here would die without it. good luck!
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You can watch Lost online.
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