dial up is making me really really really crazy

But hey, what else is new?? I have, seriously, been kicked off at least fifteen times tonight. That’s one reason I’m writing an entry – I’m so sick of getting kicked off as I try to read. It’s kind of getting on my nerves. Just a tad. One day I’m getting a REAL internet connection. And I can’t get up and do something  productive because Stella is curled up on my legs and looks so comfortable I can’t stand to make her move. 

And I’ve been productive enough today, I think. For some reason my parents are coming up to visit tomorrow. I’m not sure why, since we’re going down there on Thursday for Thanksgiving, but I think my father is bored. There’s just not too much they can do any more, and now my brother’s long-time house building project is finished, he doesn’t have that to keep him occupied. It’s only about an hour and a half drive up here. So, it meant cleaning the house. And although I am no fan of house cleaning, I actually didn’t mind it because it felt REALLY good to be doing something besides lying on the couch with my foot propped up. My foot that still aches a bit, but is much better. Well enough to clean house and go up and down the stairs.

I seem to have teeny little horses galloping around my house. I wish I could reproduce all the noise that these kittens are making. I’m not sure how they’re even capable of this much noise. They’re tearing back and forth and smashing into things and have several rattling mice that they are flinging around, along with some pingpong balls and a jingly cat toy ball. I kept hearing weird crashes coming from the bathroom, and found they were dropping their toys in the tub. Edgar even stretched out for a nap in the tub with one of his mice. It was very funny – and of course I can’t post the adorable picture because of Miserable Dialup.

So I’ll post these from a few days ago – Kittens and Mouse:




And this is what we got Thursday night:



What, you can’t tell it’s snow?? Trust me, it’s snow. And the lights from the produce stand that’s already decked out for Christmas. Not much snow, but enough. I’m not ready for snow!!!

Okay, that’s it. This damned connection has kicked me off FIVE MORE TIMES since I started, and I’ve had it. I’m posting this fast and putting the computer away.

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whoop! wifi does the same to me somedays…your kittens are so darn cute! and snow? you get snow? you are to far south for snow! i am sure of that. we don’t get rain, so we don’t get snow either.

My theory…. they screw up dial up to get you to subscribe to DSL……. I gave up about a year ago……….. DSL all the way!

November 18, 2007

your little black kitty looks exactly like our “old man” kitty (the oldest of three at eleven). you MUST get off dial-up! It would make me crazy now! lol, my stepmom and dad have it b/c they can’t get highspeed in their area yet and she can’t get videos and it takes forever to download pics.

November 18, 2007

Cleaning! I need to do that. Seriously. I love that first shot and the part about dropping toys in the bathtub made me laugh. Sammy, even at 13 or whatever he is, sits in the tub peaking around the curtain waiting for me to bring him string so we can P-L-A-Y!

Hey we got snow that same day! Of course it was in the 60 degree range several days before so it was beautiful to watch all day but it NO STICKING!!! I’m not ready for snow either. Edgar and Cayce are posed perfectly in that pic. We used to buy those little mice for our cats and they loved them. Some come with catnip-gosh the cats loved those!

November 18, 2007

beautiful cats!!! i’m not ready for snow just yet either. think i’ll just hibernate til spring!! take care,

November 18, 2007

Think of the hours of your life down the toilet waiting for dialup. Give up beer. Give up books. Get something faster. OK, time to stop being bossy. Love the kitties. MJ just called – she did major grocery shopping, repeated “major”. Mama will hate it – she for some reason loves empty shelves. Hates the clutter of anything not needed within 24 hours. Must be Depression thinking. I told her to think clutter – the other won’t work for a while. She just nodded. Madame Oblivious.

November 19, 2007

ryn – yep, very complicated. You do one thing and two things get undone in the process. Once new decision generates two new questions. Dad walked to the mailbox with MJ using a cane today.

Those kittens are so darn cute, I wish that I had one. It would spend its entire life hiding from Ben.

November 25, 2007

Cute, cute, cute. But, *shudder*, that mouse looks totally too real, dude. I remember the galloping sound they make! Plus, Chipper seems to think he’s a horse now, so I have it right along with you.

December 1, 2007

This is the entry I saw – I remember now! Oh my God I think I am going mad ……… I think you must have mentioned the kittens in a note & I must have come over to see them & not had time to look at any other entries – that would make sense. Sort of. And would save me from being certified. Which is important.