dear students…..

Could you please, like, pass your classes??!!?? You know, those ones that you HAVE TO PASS TO GET YOUR DEGREE?? That degree that you think you’re getting in August (or even better, thought you were getting in May because hey, you walked in the graduation ceremony, so, like, you’re graduated!!! Even though you failed everything you were enrolled in during spring, all of which you needed to pass in order to graduate!) –yeah,  that degree that requires all these courses that you FAILED?!?!?? Or never did bother taking to begin with??!???!

Why yes, I am just a tad cranky this afternoon!

We’re working on getting the students who have applied for August graduation checked out (probably obviously) and. O. M. G. We were actually kind of surprised at how well the spring graduation clearance went, in that there were not all THAT many crazy shortages and delusional students to contend with. Apparently that was because all the delusional ones applied to graduate in August. I am throwing in the towel this afternoon because the Failure Kids have just shoved me right over the edge. 

I had three in a row that had failed so many classes in their major (ALL Building Science) that I had to go through this complex GPA calculation to make sure they actually made an overall 2.0 in their major work (which is a C!  Who the hell can’t even get a C average in their major???? Somebody who needs to change majors, that’s who). (And the good news is that we are FINALLY getting a campus wide program that will calculate this kind of thing, instead of us doing it manually. With a piece of papyrus and a quill pen and an abacus. Hopefully it will roll out this fall and it is, so far, WAY less hellish than the Computer System From Hell, despite being by the same company. I think it’s actually going to work properly and be…. USEFUL. It is of course requiring an insane amount of data entry – "scribing" – which Mr. Organized has so far been involved in more than I have, although suddenly I’m having to go to some of the meetings too.) 

One of our lovely students had failed one major course four times, and failed two other major courses three times, and had failed a BUNCH of major courses once. And had used all their repeats that are allowed, so all the failures are calculated in the GPA. That one just SCRAPED by. Two others were in similar situations, although nobody else had failed one FOUR times. I’m keeping track of these names, and in the unlikely event that I have a house built, I am making sure they don’t work for whatever company I use. 

AAGGHHH!!!! This will be SO much easier when we get the new system going. Even though it’s, ummmmm, kind of taking away part of our jobs. A big part. We’ll just be able to run a program and see exactly what a student is missing. The funny thing is that our old old system, the one that the Computer System From Hell replaced, actually did flag shortages. Not all of them, but a lot of them. Computer System From Hell doesn’t tell you a thing. Even better, students will be able to access their own records through this new program, and it will tell THEM exactly what they need, hopefully ending forever the cries of, "But noooobody toooooold me!!!!"

But. Till then, we suffer through endless digging through files, looking at checksheets, looking at transcripts, trying to remember all of the ten zillion things that a student HAS TO HAVE TO GRADUATE!!!! And hoping we don’t miss anything really important. We do double-check each other, at least. Still, this is boring and tedious and very annoying when you hit a string of Failure Kids. 

WELL. I had no intention of ranting on about my job! I was going to mention the wonderful time I had last week visiting The Cousins. The trip was very successful. Daddy and I navigated security and lines and long treks across two major international airports like pros. Thanks to learning how to snag rides in the carts, and also to my finally realizing that when they make the boarding call for passengers who need help or extra time, that it,  DUH, means us! Old Man With Cane gets to mosey on down the runway ahead of the pack, which meant not having to fight for overhead space and having lots of room to get situated. Initially I thought that meant people who need physical help – like people in wheelchairs. Nope, it means anybody who needs extra time. So that was excellent. 

And the visit was very nice, although awfully short. Got to see all the cousins, Cousin E, Cousin MJ, Cousin J, as well as husbands and kids. Sadly, not the adorable Tyson – we stayed with MJ this time. And my aunt is doing much better than she was for awhile. She actually acted like she felt better than she did when we were last there in January, which was before she took a drastic turn for the worse. She was much more alert and talkative, and seemed more like herself. She was alarmingly thin, though. and is still in what is essentially the nursing home section of her complex. But she and Daddy both seemed to really enjoy the visit. 

Oh, look – it’s hours later. Imagine not getting to finish something. I didn’t even get to discuss my slightly alarming Big Birthday (the first time I saw the age my OD now says, I thought, WHAT? Why does it say THAT?!? That’s crazy! Hahahahahaha!!!!)  We didn’t do anything very major, but hopefully are going to Charleston this weekend. Birthday Celebrations continue all month. 

SO I’ll just leave with a few fun Delaware Visit pictures. 

Cousin MJ’s adorable little girls – they let us sleep in their rooms, and camped out in their parents’ floor. They are total sweeties:

This one loves having her picture taken –

I believe this is Emily. I kept wanting to call her Annabel, since one of my nieces had s very similar Annabel when she was little. 

Cousin J’s boys- they played non-stop with the little girls, which is apparently the norm. 

Cousin E’s daughter, the College Girl:

Cousin E and Cousin MJ:

Cousin MJ’s husband and Adorable Daughter:

Cousin J and the Cousin J Husband:

Daddy just standing around in MJ’s nifty screened in porch. 

Amusing appearance by one of the Cousin J boys;

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College Girl, Cousin E’s husband and Daddy. Who could sit around talking to Cousin E’s husband for years. 

Yes, I took a picture of Cousin MJ’s bathroom. It is SO COOL. It’s very retro, with the pink fixtures (pinker than they look in this photo). Her whole house is very nifty and very retro. I need to capitalize on the whole retro thing with my house, which is nearly the same age and also has many of its original fixtures. I could be retro instead of just pathetic!

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June 7, 2011

You could never be pathetic !!! But some of those students …OMG !

Love a good rant. I could never teach — I have no patience. I enjoyed the photos. I would so have loved a pink bedroom as a kid.

Such a beautiful home!

I adore your family!! Even in photos! And yes, I love the stories about school time after time. You make me laugh out loud.

My poor niece, one who only writes on here very infrequently now, failed a class last year for the third time; aural (spelling?) skills. It’s a listening class. She was devastated, as it was required for her major and now has had to pick a new major. I’m not sure if she has. I think that’s the type of class/major, where you do have to have some inherent genetic talent. I believe in music, you’ve either got it or you don’t. Some people don’t and apparently, she didn’t. I feel bad for her but in this case, she realized it meant the end of the track she’s been on, and I don’t think it happened from a lack of effort. I would wonder how many of your students are just “dumb” in their chosen majors? I certainly would have failed anything math heavy. I can’t add two and two on a calculator. (Whereas, you’re apparently a whizz-bang with the ‘ol abacus. LOL.) Just curious about that with the students.

June 8, 2011

It’s amazing you’re still sane after dealing with all those crazy students! Sounds like you had a great visit! Next time hopefully I’ll get to see you, too!

June 8, 2011

that’s a good lookin family you’ve got there!

June 8, 2011

You’re not the only excited about that! Big old babies!

June 8, 2011

College girl is beautiful as always. And how lovely to see the whole clan. And very clever about your dad and flying. He looks so happy in that next to last shot. What a great thing for him that you were able to share the trip with him. We had that bathroom when I was about 11! I hear exactly the same rant from my B-I-L about the students but he doesn’t have to do the big annoying calculation. We don’t get that much failure in our Medical School.

June 8, 2011

There may be an explanation for so much sloth among students. They have already graduated. They walked through the graduation wearing a gown and mortarboard. They even moved the tassel from one side to the other. They did it in high school. They did it when the left eighth grade. They even do it now when leaving pre-school going into kindergarten.

June 9, 2011

i sometimes wonder at the reasoning of some of those students even bothering to go to college. your cousins kids are so adorable. glad you had a good time. take care,

June 9, 2011

Happy birthday. I’m glad the Delaware trip went well. From the pictures, it looks like everyone had a blast. Your work rants drive me insane. Your entire office should be canonized simply because none of you have ever slapped the shit out of someone even though many desperately needed it.

June 10, 2011

You mean you have to take classes AND PASS THEM to graduate college?! What a concept! When did that happen?

June 10, 2011

Every spring you have to go through this same thing with the grads. You have patience 🙂 By the way, I love that screened-in porch. We don’t have those out here. We just grab picnic plates and run inside in a panic when bugs come around. Freakin’ crazy Californians 🙂 xxoo,

June 11, 2011

My school used the DARS system to track progress toward graduation in a certain program, and one could VERY clearly see red flags warning of shortages in degree and major requirements. Of course, even when things are made blatantly obvious, there will always be whining cries of, “But nobody TOLD me!” It boggles the mind that some folks don’t understand a degree is not something automatically granted after the passage of a given amount of time… it is conferred after the passage of certain CLASSES! I am sorry that the Failure Kids are causing such a headache. On a more positive note, I’m glad you had a wonderful time with the family! And a belated happy birthday 🙂

June 12, 2011

RYN: Thanks for the heads-up re ‘Kingdom’ – I’d never heard of it but found it on Lovefilm so have all 3 series on my list now! Did you mean mailboxes for folk who didn’t have a mailbox or wanted to have an anonymous address or that everyone went to the PO for their mail in the old days? Eraserhead has come this week – haven’t watched the actual film yet but have watched the extra features and was amazed – David Lynch is so BORING! Seriously – he was talking about the making of the film which was pretty interesting but he was just such a boring person to listen to I was gobsmacked – I just imagined that he would be this wild, wacky, talkingatahundredmilesanhour person for some reason!

June 12, 2011

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pink bathroom suite before – but I like it – especially that sink! Great pics – lovely to see folk you mention regularly. That’s such a GIRL’s bedroom isn’t it but Emily is freaking me out just a tad!

June 14, 2011

Am enjoying your Charleston pics on facebook. Looks like a marvelous time!

June 15, 2011

You’re so funny. I need retro instead of hideous 🙂

June 16, 2011

I think Jinn said it all. Lovely to see the family.

I loved the pictures. I would love a screened porch but it would be ripped to shreds in the winter.

June 18, 2011

Your job must be awfully stressful this time of year. What a happy looking family!

June 19, 2011

Your pictures really get to me! The girls especially are SO cute! It all reminds me of our great family get-togethers, which are rarely attended by me, the far away sibling. Meanwhile, you should gather together a catalogue of your school grunts, er, grads, and send them to the people who fund schooling. Or maybe the corporate honchos. Or maybe the newspaper. Hmmmm…. each one of those presents a further problem. Maybe simply rent a plane and drop edna million “Get Cracking On Those Books!” pamphlets on the school dorms! 😉 (Sighing….)