
Wow, this day is being very annoying. We are moving on Wednesday, which is kind of surprising — since our new digs are being painted and we’re getting new carpet and they’re replacing the ceiling tiles and putting in new lights, we figured no way would they get it done in two weeks. But oddly enough, they did. Well, except for the offices which have broken asbestos-laden floor tiles under the carpet. That occupant can’t move in till the asbestos gets removed. Yikes. And they ran out of money before finishing Mr. Organized’s office and the spot where Miss Artsy sits, so they didn’t get new ceiling tiles and lighting yet. The dean swears she’ll have it done with our budget dollars whenever we actually have a budget. I’m really shocked any of this got done, considering there is no money at all and jobs are in the balance right now, but there’s always money in the weird building related funds that are mysterious and otherworldly and nobody understands at all. 

Mr. Organized reports that my office looks wonderful, so yay for that. Apparently they are all bright and cheery now with the new paint and carpet and even the ones who didn’t get new light fixtures yet at least got their burnt-out bulbs replaced. So, not so much of a minimum-security-prison vibe now, we’ll hope. 

Much in the manner of our last move, forces seem to be working at making us REALLY glad we’re getting out of here. The air conditioning has always been iffy – we’re either freezing to death or roasting, and this summer it’s mostly been roasting – but today it is like trying to work inside a sauna. It’s AWFUL. And since I’ve been packing today, I’m getting really really cranky as the sweat pours off me. EWWWWW. I’m wearing shorts, too – it’s casual days till we get settled into our new spots. If I open the window, the air conditioning unit which is running without working, apparently, is so loud it’s giving me a headache.  Last year, when we were moving out of our cute little house, the construction on all sides escalated and our desks would vibrate all day with the jackhammering, and I especially remember Miss Artsy and I trying to go through grades and check out the graduates and how we had to shriek at each other to be heard. They also completely blocked the roads to our house off and there was nowhere to park within what felt like MILES. So we were all GET US OUT OF HERE!!! by the time we did finally move, and it wasn’t quite so tragic. 

Adding to our annoyance, second summer session ended last week and grades were supposed to be in by Friday, which generally means the registrar’s office will have whatever magic witchcraft they perform done by Monday and we can do our final clearance and send out our last round of YOU DIDN’T GRADUATE YOU EEEDDDJIT letters. So that was going to work out well – we’d get that all done this afternoon and be ready to pack up tomorrow, which is when our computers are getting moved. Naturally this morning the registrar’s office sends out an email saying it will be Wednesday, at best, before grades are finalized. WTF?!?!? That’s longer than it takes during regular sessions! So now we can’t get ours done till probably NEXT Monday, which is going to result in much wailing from people who get deficiency letters NEXT week instead of this week. Never mind that they ALL know what they were already deficient in, and if they didn’t fix their deficiency, helllllllo, it’s still going to be there. That never seems to occur to the Special Kids who assume that someone else will be fixing it for them. ANYHOW, my point is that this is a great big pain. 

I’ve already had one upset kid who is trying to get into grad school and needs us to send a letter saying he’s completed everything. And he has, but it isn’t official and won’t be for days, and by then I’m not going to have computer access to send anything. He can’t wait till MONDAY!!! I ended up sending a letter saying it’s not official but according to the grades posted online now he’s okay. He’s applying to grad school here, so they should certainly understand. He also has a GPA of something like 2.3 in his major and maybe 2.5 overall, and I thought the minimum for grad school was 3.0, so he can probably forget that anyhow. 

Well, enough whining, time to go. I’ll leave you with a couple of pictures of what’s staring at me from my window:

 Miss Artsy has a farmer friend who sells produce and these gargantuan sunflowers – I have three more in a bucket. I have no idea how I will get them home!

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I love sunflowers. I didn’t think you could get into grad school without at 3.0, either. The air conditioning situation doesn’t sound like fun at all. Since reading your diary, your department has moved a lot. It is like working at my school. Only this year, they didn’t move me…they are replacing my floor….which is like moving!

August 8, 2011

How bored would you be without constant bedlam? 🙂 (May you get a chance to find out someday soon!) The sunflower is gorgeous.

August 8, 2011

What is it about working at Universities that makes one’s workspace so bizarre? Last week in our office they finally got a facilities guy to check our air, it is incredibly stuffy in there, and the fans were blowing out 82 degree air. Somehow the thermostat controls got reversed. OK then. How stressful about the grades not being ready and your computers being moved tomorrow. But lookingforward to a clean fresh cheerful office is nice. In the meantime though that is a gorgeous sunflower.

lovely flowers. does facilities (maintenance) always create such horrible send offs? ack.

Those sunflowers are gorgeous! Your university stories make me nostalgic.

Good luck with the move. I hope nobody tries to swipe your office out from under you! I love the flowers. We were perusing your photos today, (husband and I. I was showing him your work, and so I got to see the sunflowers!) We’ve redecorated the room around the photo from SC that you let me have. The color is a dead match for the colors we have in here. I think I’m going to follow your theme by printing some photos I took of my brother’s house. I shall put them for you to see!

August 8, 2011

Your stories reminded me of how hot it always was in my office and I bet it was especially awful this summer with the record heat. Lovely sunflowers, so cheerful!

August 8, 2011

That’s a lovely sunflower, but it doesn’t make up for no air conditioning! Talk about a sweatshop!

August 9, 2011

The sunflowers are lovely.

August 9, 2011

RYN: OK, here goes why the muffin is not 10 cents. The coffee is $1 more than the muffin, and the total bill $1.10. If the muffin is 10 cents that would make the coffee $1.10 and the total bill $1.20. Whew.

August 9, 2011

Hope the paint smell is gone and the computers installed & running! Love your sunflowers. I always mean to grow them, but rarely do. I used to work in a university and this sounds so like it.

August 9, 2011

I grew sunflowers one year. They were so tall the blossoms fell over on the stalk! These are lovely. Hope the move goes well and that you get some air conditioning.

Sunflowers … lovely! We used to grow a few in our garden … so much fun to watch them track the sun. I am not doing so well with The Artists Way either .. possibly picked a bad time – I don’t seem to want to be at the computer becuase we’ve moved over to a new Student Information System that has the staff who actually have to work with it threatening to resign or go mad or both and even we inthe library, who only have ot help students enrol online (wow! all sining, all dancing … but woeful projexct management) are going a bit green each time we see a student clutching pieces of paper saying “I’ve tried and TRIED to do this at home but …” and I’ve given up on the idea of hoping for any sort of decent instructions for the students .. what’s that? It ought to be easy and possible to know nothing about it but just follow the prompts .. bah.

RYN: well, I’d better make this private just in case .. yu might have hit on it. I’m not sure, since we library staff don’t get to delve into it, and they are calling it SIS at the management level … they are calling it all sorts of names at the operational level .. OOOooo! But when we open it from the student point of view, what we/students see is called “Self Service Banner” … and from thereon things have been going down hill. I’m sure it will be OK in the end, but hte poor devils who have to enter students, keep track of classes, marking, attachment/detachment to/from classes/competencies, etc are going demented with the thigns that have not been done properly, BECAUSE they don’t fit with our accustomed mode of operating. FOr example, GUMSPITTING 101 if taught by Mary_Jo has one CRN (what we used to call Competency Code) but if taught by Pollyanna has a DIFFERENT CRN .. unheard of! So people have to then match those against the Nationally Accredited Competency Codes, and that’s only one small thing I have been able to get my head around. We have lecturer A teaching students “miced mode”: online via computer, video conferencing and occasional face-to-face classes.

Ooops, MIXED mode. So anyway, lecturer A sits in campus X, but it’s possible that none of her students FOR THAT SUBJECT live anywhere near Town X. STudents might be located in Towns, Z, Y, Q and R. The difficulty is that they had to take a crowbar to it to get it to understand that this is possible. YOu can’t generate lists of what your student is enrolled in: so inorder to see whether they aretaking co-requisites/pre-requisites, etc, or too havy/light aload for educatinal grants purposes, you have to go up TWO layers of management to find that out. No wonder the lecturers are not happy. And as for the Admin Staff – they were never a cheery lot, but OMD! I wonder if it is the same system. I know it was purchased from USA.

August 12, 2011

sunflowers always make me think of my sister who died. 🙂 I love the pics. 🙂 happy moving

August 13, 2011

Lovely sunflower. I wonder if this time next year you all have to move all over again? Hopefully this new place is comfortable and stays that way.

August 13, 2011

What a fab sunflower.

August 16, 2011

Just watched this documentary called Absolute Wilson. Not sure why I had it in my Netflix Queue but it has Tom Waits in it! Really fun and visually interesting.

Update on the wretched SIS – it cost $20 million – and they are still having to do changes e.g. this week they added a new button “New students” .. who would have thought that would help? Oh, that’s right … me. A month ago. Grrr.

August 23, 2011

Hope all is well-heard about the earthquake on the news. Sounds like you guys got shaken up a bit, too.