away, away!!
We’re headed for Charleston bright and early tomorrow! Well, by "bright and early" I mean whenever we manage to get up, get it together, and get on the road. Usually that’s 10ish. Years ago Baker B would be all gung-ho about leaving at the crack of dawn and he’d make me get up at some insane non-time like four in the morning and we’d have to be on the road by SIX or he’d be all crazed and neurotic about how we were wasting time and we had to hurry and if we weren’t there by 11 in the morning, why even bother going at ALL… but finally he realized that although we could drag ourselves up before daybreak and get down there before 11, it takes a lot of the pleasure away from being there early when we are both exhausted and cranky. And then we’d be collapsing by, oh, eight at night. That’s no fun. And neither of us are even remotely morning people.
So now we get enough sleep and we arrive rested and happy and not grouchy, and we have enough energy to keep going into the night. Much better.
So this is a quick entry to apologize for being – as usual – a terrible noter, and to explain my upcoming prolonged absence. I suppose there is a chance our cheapo motel may have wireless by now – that would be quite exciting. There’s been some upgrading going on, so it’s not impossible. If not, I’ll probably be computerless till Tuesday, though.
Oh, Baker B did recover, fortunately. Oddly enough, he was well by the next morning. After whining and moping around all night. And he did seem to have a fever. But in true Baker B fashion, he got over it immediately. And whatever it was, I didn’t get it.
Ok, I’m just lying here trying to think of something fascinating to say, and having a spectacular lack of success. I think I’ll go play with Stella, who is going to have to stay alone for the first time in her life while we’re gone. She’s always had Colfax, who wasn’t great company but at least was there. So, happy Friday!
enjoy and take lots of pics!
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I wonder if we can set up and online chat so your Stella and my Stella can talk each other? From this distance they wouldn’t get territorial, right? Now I am wondering if your Stella has a decernable accent… Have a great time! May the weather be perfect, the coffee hot and abundant and the beer cold and consumed in good company.
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You’re not a terrible noter at all! Have fun! I’m envious. ryn: Oh!! Oh! Like the art house flick that Bjork was in. Oh, man! It was the same kind of thing. The women in it killed the little boy and chopped off his fingers and sewed them in his mouth. And they call it art.
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ditto oulin
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Rushing is no fun when you are doing the vacation thing. Have fun!
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Am so glad Baker B recovers quickly. Have a relaxing de-stressing time in Charleston (don’t even read this till you get BACK.) Your quick entries are great. And notes always the best. Perhaps I’ll even have a new entry by the time you return. Poor Stella, a vacation alone may not be as bad as it seems. I’d completely forgotten who I’d given that book to, or even where I got it in the first place. Seems like Andy has loosened up a bit since the 80’s. Then he pretty much commented on convex auto mirrors and impractical fashion items. xxoo
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You will be missed! Have a wonderful time!
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Wow, have a great time!!!!!
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