as doomed as doomed can be

I must say. And I’d quote some more Ed Grimley but my brain has quit working. I’ve got to take a little break here. Otherwise I’m just going to start screaming. We’ve started the placements for fall student teachers, although (A) I don’t know how it’s possibly already time for that and (B) this is supposedly not my job anymore so there shouldn’t be any "we" about it. New Person J IS doing the bulk of the work. While Insane Boss has micromanaged her to the point that she is, seriously, ready to quit. I really don’t know why she hasn’t walked out long ago. In fact, she was late this morning and we were just sure that was it – that she was gone. In reality she had a dentist appointment and had told me but I hadn’t looked at my Daytimer yet. But she is about to lose her mind and doesn’t need this job bad enough to put up with what she is putting up with. I think she’s only stayed this long because she’s so honorable and doesn’t want to just quit on us. On me and K, since we’re the ones that are going to be doomed. As doomed can be. 

Anyhow. So, the students had a big meeting Thursday afternoon. And signed up for interviews after the meeting and on Friday. There has been a steady stream of students in here all day long who don’t know who they signed up with, what time they signed up for, what day they signed up for, or where they’re supposed to go for the interviews. Despite having signs all around the sign-up sheets and signs in their packets reminding them to PLEASE write all this DOWN. And not on your hand and then go wash your hand and wash it off. Which is an excuse I’ve heard more than once. Nobody pays a bit of attention because why write something down when you can just call or come by and ask someone? And make THEM stop what they’re doing for the umpteen zillionth time to look it up for you. Or they didn’t sign up at all, which would make me inclined to say tough luck, have fun at McDonald’s next semester- but no, that would mean we weren’t willing to do everything including breathe for the poor little things!

This does happen every single semester, too. No matter what we do, how many signs we post, or how many times they are reminded in the meeting. So, it’s nothing new. What is new is that Insane Boss is having J call everyone who couldn’t do an interview in the two days provided (in the past we gave them the interviewer’s number to work it out) and she’s having her let them reschedule their interviews NOW if they don’t like what they ended up with or just decided it’s not convenient – both interviewers and students – and she’s having her email everyone with their schedules and New Person J has one foot out the door at this point.

Oh, and the phones. The phones!!! We now have voicemail, which is a fairly new development, believe it or not. We got new phones – cordless ones – and they included a voicemail option. FINALLY. So New Person J has been so overleaded today that she’s just letting her voicemail pick up. Which is fine, and I’d do the same thing if mine was ringing like hers has been. But people keep calling and not leaving a message. And calling right back. And not leaving a message. And calling back AGAIN. And not leaving a message.  I am just assuming it’s the same person but it seems a little coincidental. And Insane Boss’s phone rings over to New Person J, and Insane Boss keeps not answering HER phone, even though she’s sitting right there. So her her phone rings four times and then it flips to J and it rings four more times and J doens’t pick up because she’s trying to do some of this insane amount of work that she has and whoever it is doesn’t leave a message and five seconds later – long enough to hit redial – it ALL STARTS AGAIN!!! Aaaaaaggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!! 

Of course, I could pick up the phones myself, but that’s setting a very bad precedent. I’m not the receptionist and I have MORE than enough work of my own that I’m trying to get done. And not succeeding since there is so much madness around me. I put a message on J’s voicemail the other day noting that if they needed me, I have a new number (she has my old number) so if they are really trying to get me, they can call my new number. J never did set a personal message – nor did K – so it’s just some random robot voice saying "We’re not home!" which isn’t very professional EITHER.

Oh, well. I feel like I am not making a bit of sense. On the happy side, I think my antibiotics are finally kicking in. I still don’t have full breathing capability, but I’m much better. I walked four miles at lunch. Outside!! Also exciting – it was just under 50. Which I usually consider quite chilly, but after all these days when it hasn’t been out of the 20s it felt pretty balmy. Of course, it’s supposed to be icy in the morning and in the 20s for the rest of the week. Where IS global warming?? It can hit us anytime it wants.

Well, for want of anything interesting to say, how about some pictures. From right after Christmas. Since it’s colder now than it was right after Christmas I think Christmasy-winter stuff is still timely:


Awfully happy snowman. Probably because IT’S FREEZING.



Apprehensive Nutcracker in a store window, about to be smacked by the king of something.



Kind of creepy … fairy? Elf?? Who looked like he was beating against the window. Wanting out.


The Oz Shop puts this in their window every year, and I find it kind of… disturbing, somehow. It must be from a book, or perhaps a fairy tale – but what’s this baby doing out driving a sled around by itself in the snow??



A very strange window display. Especially the lower right corner…


It made a kind of fun reflection, though –




As did this one.



Merry Christmas!

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February 12, 2007

I’m not sure it’s just students. There’s a cartoon up at the Ticketmaster office that shows neon signs and arrows and about 50 announcements around the Will Call window, where you pick up tickets being held for you. But the customer is at the small plain window labeled “SALES ONLY” asking, “Is this Will-Call?” I hope New Person just kidnaps Insane Boss, like in “9 to 5,” and doesn’t run away screaming!

February 12, 2007

p.s. Hope you feel better fast.

February 12, 2007

Ho! Ho! Ho! Are you late for 2006 or early for 2007?

merry christmas to you too. oh you have got to get another job!

February 12, 2007

You ought to be a professional photographer, my dear. They are amazing, as always. I especially like the elf 🙂

February 12, 2007

I hate your job! Huskies pulling a sled. Now THERE’S a novel idea. Although a baby in the Iditarod IS a scary thing to think about.

February 13, 2007

yup, it sounds pretty damned doomed to me! oh and thanks for reminding me of christmas – in February! (only joking – good pics – as usual)

First of all, glad to read that you are feeling a little better with your breathing. :)) Secondly, I still think we have a generation of some very lazy young adults. Like them not writing down their info. Like you said, “Why should they?” They’ll just call someone and make them do the remembering for them. Of course I’ve read people here on OD and seen in real life these kids who graduate from college and do work at fast food or convenience stores. Weird if you ask me. You guys really need to have just one person to answer phones and maybe do some trivial stuff to help out in the office. Glad J hasn’t quit yet. That’d leave you up a creek without a paddle. :(( And I LOVED the Christmas pics. The decorations would go well with my neighbors Christmas lights that are still hanging up. And those little busts sure did look a little creepy!

February 13, 2007

oh crap! it’s Christmas again so soon?? good photos tho! do you think those tiny busts were an after thought? i feel so bad for you. your job makes me want to scream, so i can imagine how you feel.

February 13, 2007

I walked last night to the store and it was just under 50 out and I still had on tights and a scarf and rain gear because I didn’t trust it and when I was actually shopping I looked like I was having a hot flash. IT took courage to wear less clothes today…

February 13, 2007

Oh and of course I like the pictures. My favorite is the nirror reflection green ball one but I like the weird heads in the cabinet too.

February 13, 2007

Mirror, mirror reflection.

February 14, 2007

Im sure you have already had this thought but one of the bad things about your job is you never graduate! Just get a new crop of morons….. err I mean students.

February 17, 2007

I think that guy in the strange window display is saying “A headache AGAIN?? You are KIDDING me.” And she’s giving a secret smile to the King guy across the way ’cause they’re having an affair because – looks aren’t everything.

April 14, 2007

your entries are so fun. i am going to add you to my favorites, hope thats alright with you.