a to z survey to bludgeon the creeping time

I started this ages ago, but am oddly bored at work today, so shall finish it. I forget who I got it from – some random stranger, I think. It’s making the rounds. 

A is for Age: Closing in on 50. YIKES. How the hell did that happen??

B is for Beer of choice
: Dark and strong. Like the Southend Stout that East Bay Brewery in Charleston serves. It is delicious, and getting to enjoy it while gazing out at East Bay Street (or over the tops of the roofs on East Bay Street, if you’re in the third floor bar) is just paradise. Amusingly, when I saw the picture of the guy in the link, my first thought was "Hey, I know him!!!" I certainly feel like I know him – when we are in the downstairs bar, we always sit at the tables by the big shiny brewing tanks, and that guy is always in there messing around. Which makes sense, as he’s the brewmaster.  

C is for Career: As if. I feel very lucky to have the job I do, since my professional life has largely consisted of wandering blithely from one menial job to the next. I got my current job thanks to my last job, in the College of Ed. I got that job because I’d had a class with Dr. Airhead a gazillion years previously, when I went back to school to get certification to teach English, which I never used. Other than it getting me that job, which in turn got me this job. Along with a job as a tutor after graduating, and a job teaching kid’s writing classes and being the admin ass’t of a writer’s group, which was lots of fun. So that was actually a worthwhile certification.

D is for favorite Drink: I have three. Coffee, strong dark beer, and wine.  

E is for Essential item you use everyday: Amusingly, I read this as "Existential item you use every day", which honestly would be a way more interesting question. That would probably be my paper journal, in which I often wail about my feelings, and release angst and despair, while searching for meaning in my drab and colorless existence, as I plod from my crumbling, hobo-ville house to my currently somewhat boring (but not menial!) job and back again. Oh, but wait, I don’t use it every day. 

The Existential Mrs. Premise and Mrs. Conclusion Visit John Paul Sarte:


 What essential item do I use daily? Several, actually. The shower. Toothpaste. Electricity, which I find essential. Computer. Ditto. Coffee. 

 F is for Favorite song at the moment: I’m still getting used to Radiohead’s new album, King of Limbs, and listening to it daily, so I guess it would be Lotus Flower, which is my favorite song on that. So far. And I really love the video, which features Thom York dancing crazily, much like Tom Waits in another favorite video.

Thom Yorke dancing crazily:


Tom Waits dancing crazily:



G is for favorite Game: Currently I have a love/hate relationship with Zuma Blitz on Facebook. I’m sick of it yet I keep playing it. I guess I better count Farmville as my real favorite, since I’ve recently been sucked back in with the English Countryside farm.  

H is for Hometown: Asheville NC

I is for Instruments you play: I used to kind of be able to play the guitar. In a very minimal sense.  

J is for favorite Juice: It would have to be cranberry. The pure, no-sugar cranberry juice added to seltzer water. Kind of like drinking lemon juice. <span style="font-size: small; “> 

K is for Kids: I have three furry children: Stella, Edgar and Cayce. 

A hurried attempt to find a picture featuring all three of them. Eddie and Cayce are starting to wrestle, which is their favorite pastime. Stella is ignoring them as usual. 


L is for Last kiss: Well, that’s a little personal. But it was shared with Baker B. 

M is for Marriage: Married to Baker B. We will celebrate our TWENTIETH anniversary next Wednesday. That’s a little shocking.  

N is for full Name: Edna Timewaster Million. 

O is for Overnight hospital stays: Just one, and it was only eight weeks ago. That’s probably unusual for someone of my advanced age. 

P is for Phobias: Spiders. No matter how teeny.  

P is also for Pet Peeve: I have lots of those! Loud obnoxious oblivious people on cellphones (i.e., pretty much everybody who is on a cellphone) and obnoxious oblivious drivers in GargantoMobiles (who are generally on cellphones). And screaming ill-mannered children. Those are at the top of my list. 

Q is for Quote: Favorite? Or just random?? I think my favorite is "Every day above ground is a good day". Thank you, Six Feet Under! I also love "Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car." Thank you, Facebook! 

R is for biggest Regret:  That I didn’t do more traveling and wandering around and moving to exciting places when I was young enough to not have to worry about things like retirement and mortgages. Of course at the time I was worried about things like money. 

S is for Sports: I do kind of enjoy watching college basketball games with Baker B. He’s just about lost interest in them, though. Well, that and now you have to have access to sports networks cable or a dish to get a lot of them, and all we have is basic networks. He doesn’t care enough to do anything about it. 

T is for Time you wake up: Absolutely as late as I possibly can. 

U is for color of Underwear: Oh, there it is, the obligatory question about my undergarments! Blue. Happy?? 

V is for Vegetable you love: I actually love most vegetables, now that I am a grownup… and have realized it’s not necessary to overcook them. The only thing I don’t love is okra, which is just NASTY. My favorites would be tomatoes and mushrooms, I think. And carrots. corn. And potatoes. 

W is for Worst habit: Using food for comfort. Which would be okay if it was vegetables I was using. It’s not. 

X is for X-rays you’ve had:  Mostly just my teeth. And my head twice — once when I had a car wreck in college and once when I started worrying about a weird lumpy thing on my skull that turned out just to be some sort of bone spur. 

Y is for Yummy food you make: I make very good pasta sauce with tomatoes and mushrooms. I like to cook but am a careless and slapdash cook. 

Z is for Zodiac sign: Gemini. What a surprise. 

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i never saw that survey before. 🙂

April 7, 2011

Ohh survey with cool videos inserted! I love corn. One would think I would eat it more often because of that but no. I do eat a lot of spinach. It recently became somewhat hard to get and oh the trauma! I like that Facebook quote. Probably because I go to church but am not a Christian. Or a car.

April 7, 2011

Can you share your recipe for pasta sauce with tomatoes and mushrooms? Nothing I cook is yummy.

April 7, 2011

Broccoli is the best vegetable ever.

April 7, 2011

i bet my friend Sam could make you change your mind about okra. but then again, most things DO taste good deep fried!! 😉

April 7, 2011

congratulations on that milestone anniversary! i enjoyed reading this. you are funny. : )

April 8, 2011

Awesome survey. Gotta admit, I didn’t expect much, just from the title, but I should have known you wouldn’t do a lame one. I wonder what Vegans eat for comfort?

April 8, 2011

I think I saw this survey somewhere else, too, but your take is much more entertaining and memorable. Timewaster is such an elegant name. I bought frozen okra once to try in an unfamiliar recipe. I hated it. Since I had never had okra before, I thought I might leave it in the maybe pile — after all, maybe the fresh stuff is better — but I think for once in my life I’m going to heed someone else’s good advice and just let okra go. Thank you.

April 8, 2011

Fun survey! I don’t like okra either. Oh, before I forget, did you know you can watch 4 seasons of (the new) Doctor Who ON YOUR COMPUTER from Netflix Watch Instantly? There are older ones as well but I didn’t care for those… Anyway, then you don’t have to worry about cracked disks!

April 8, 2011

Interesting survey. You’re right – ‘existential item’ would be so much more intriguing.

April 8, 2011

And okra, you hate it in all forms? I like it breaded with cornmeal and fried. And pickled is delicious with a sandwich. But in soups, uewww, it turns all slimy.

This is a fun survey. I forgot how funny Monty Python can be.

April 9, 2011

You can use vegetables for comfort food. Just add cheese. Lots and lots of cheese. Or Hollandaise sauce.

Have I mentioned recently how, the more I get to know you, the more I adore you??? This was fun.

hey! i would love to meet you if i can. if it is a feasible route. if there is someplace i can park for free near by..heh..

April 15, 2011

Okra IS nasty, unless you cut it really thin, fry it dark brown and throw it in my sister’s Indian side dish. I enjoyed this, too. You and Cyn are the only ones who can make me read a survey. 🙂 ryn: Bless you, Edna. Although I’m chronicling this for myself, I saw two entries without notes and felt like a loser. lol

April 19, 2011

RYN: And they use up all the ink!

April 19, 2011

RYN: The FB ads seem hit and miss to me.

April 20, 2011

I do not enjoy the musical stylings of Tom Waits. But it’s great that you do!