a little qualification
On the state of my father. In retrospect I fear I made him sound worse than he actually is. Which is bad enough, but I should have pointed out that he does have at least a little excuse for being so, ummmm, crazy about the mortgage payment. He has never had to pay the bills – my mother always took care of everything like that. He dropped out of school when he was 13, he left home and went to a WPA work camp when he was 14, he joined the Navy when he was 15 and I’m pretty sure he’s a little dyslexic. He thinks he’s not smart, even though he can do pretty much anything. He built their house when they got married. He built this amazing set of steps and platforms and railings and flower boxes down the hill in front of their house a few years ago, and didn’t even sketch a plan out. Just went out and built it. So yeah, he’s smart, but he doesn’t think so. He’s never read well, can’t spell and doesn’t like to have to write anything. So he’s very paranoid about things like doing the bills. I don’t think it’s because he can’t do it – I think it’s because he doesn’t think he can do it. He’s afraid of them.
And when he hasn’t paid a bill in, well, his LIFE probably, why start now?
Of course his weird stories that don’t make sense aren’t a good sign. But it’s not like he’s taken this sudden alarming turn for the worse. I also think that living with my mother and her total lack of short-term memory makes him prone to not making sense himself. I know when I’ve spent a few days with them, I make no sense at all. It’s like you go into some strange alternate universe. Anyhow, I think they’re both functioning very well overall. It’s just stuff like the mortgage payment brouhaha that drive me completely nuts.
So Saturday I did indeed go down to Asheville. And spent a couple of hours with them, and filled out the mortgage payment.
And while writing the check I looked at the statement and realized that it’s due…. May 1. Which would not be the next first of the month we experience. That would be April. It’s due May 1. It’s not due for a month and a half!!!
So yes! Yes, I did make a trip down there for nothing!! Apparently it’s always been due a month and a half after they receive it, but I never ever noticed. Neither did Daddy, who does at least try to keep track of the due dates on things. We both saw it’s due on the first of the month, and just assumed that meant the first of the month after he gets the bill. Although I did think it was really odd and inconvenient that they would only give him a week’s turnaround, since he never got it till the middle of the month. I took a deposit slip so I can set up online payments in case I need them anyhow. I noticed that the numbers he was rattling off to me Friday were actually the ones I needed, too. Never did figure out where the first bunch came from.
Well, now we know. And I actually had a very nice day. I wandered around downtown, I took pictures, I went to Biltmore Village where I rarely go. It’s this really cute little historic area near Biltmore House, with little cottages and outlandishly expensive shops. It’s lots of fun to wander around, although parking is a nightmare which is why I don’t go often. And I took a leisurely drive home the back way, through a more remote area than I usually go. And it was hot!! And springlike! And things are blooming madly! So that made me very happy.
And since I can’t think of a thing else to say, I’ll post some pictures. Of the arrival of spring! Not that it can’t still snow, but at least it’s encouraging.
Phlox in Biltmore Village. I LOVE phlox.
Blossoms in front of the Flat Iron Building!
Things turning green in Biltmore Village!
A little of the pretty village streets.
Odd tree ornaments. I didn’t think this would come out well at all, but I kind of like it.
One of the parents’ trees in bloom.
Wow, that last pic was my favorite!! I kind of teared up reading about your dad! I’m so happy for you that your folks are alive and relatively well. I’m sure it is kind of strange for your dad to deal with the bills when he hasn’t for the most part. And being smart definitely doesn’t mean a college degree, or a high school diploma for that matter. I truly admire the fact that your dad did all of that building on his own and with his own mind, figuring out how to do it. In fact it’s just plain cool to me!!! :))
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i really like the tree ornaments!!
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Those odd tree ornaments are called witch balls. *smiles* They’re supposed to capture the evil spirits and protect your house. We have one that was a housequest gift. Quite lovely things. But ours is on the inside. And as always wonderful pictures. You know, hon, you should go easier on yourself. You’re a good daughter, even if the circumstances make you feel impatient. And now stuff will be easier going forward. Just little adjustments. And I had already figured he wasn’t used to doing the bills. Many men of our parents generation let the women do that stuff.
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you are a good woman and you do good work.(((hugs)))
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Beautiful. Nice pics, too.
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You did a good job with those ornaments. It is a tricky shot. That last one is like a waterfall of blossoms! It has a great sense of movement. How lovely that you had a good day and figured out the confusion for your Dad.
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I wish things were blooming here. Soon. We’ve had record high temps. YAY! Except now my perennials are very confused.
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I’m puzzled at the situation where you have to keep track of ‘due dates’ and the burdern of organization is with your father…. isn’t there a system of Direct Debit where regular payments come off the bank account monthly and obviates this sort of anvieties? (forgive me if I’m on the wrong track – your finances are obviously not my place to comment on.) Super pix – Spring Has Sprung,eh?
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Oh these pictures are beautiful!! The balls in the trees look beautiful! Last Summer when we went to Germany for a short vacation we noticed for the first time such ornaments in the gardens. Not only hanging ornaments but also such big colored balls on a stick that they planted between greenery and bushes. Funny! Have a good week! Hug,
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My dad would be helpless without my mom. She does everything. Pretty pictures.
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i really like the tree ornaments, too. and the phlox. i think i need to plant me some phlox… it is a bit tricky sometimes when our parents get a little muddled with age.
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Those pictures made me jealous. It is supposed to snow for the next four days! I know that college doesn’t make you smart. I am a great believer of multiple intelligence.
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Oh, these are so beautiful! You lucky girl, things blooming and greening up! That is always spirit lifting. It is so interesting and gorgeous around your part of the world, and your pic’s show it. Completely understandable about your dad. I didn’t think he was doing badly-just normal for the situation.
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love the tree ornaments
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