a little of this, a little of that

Because I’m trying to distract myself from the chaos around me. Can’t concentrate on any of the many things I need to do, so I’ll do this stolen survey instead! If the formatting is bizarre, I apologize. I don’t have much luck with these things as far as keeping tolerable formatting. And if I turn off WISIWYG I have to do HTML for the bolds and that’s too annoying. Yeah, I’m spoiled. WhatEVER.

1.     How old will you be in 10 months?
I’ll be 46. I find that quite shocking. But that’s okay. After the whole cancer thing, I’m perfectly fine with getting older.

2. Do you think you’ll be married by then?
Uhoh – I smell a teeny bopper survey! Yeah, I think I’ll be married. STILL.  

3. What do you look forward to most in the next 3 months ?
Summer summer summer!! It’s actually gorgeous and hot out there right now, although tomorrow it’s supposed to get down in the 30s again. Since my forsythia is just starting to bloom, I have no doubt that it will freeze. This happens every single year.

4. Who was the last person you called?
Called what? Oh, called on the phone. Probably Baker B. Oddly I don’t think I’ve made a phone call today, although I’ve received plenty. And I have a message right here in front of me that I need to return. I hate calling people. I’ve sent many many emails today. I called Baker B about ten zillion times yesterday, because we had a structural engineer come look at our house and he worked us in at the last minute and kept calling my cell. The verdict is NOT good. Well, it’s good in the sense that the shifting and settling (it’s done both) is fixable. The good news is our house won’t be condemned! And there are some good people here to do the work – we’ve gotten a bunch of recommendations for the company we’ll probably end up using. The bad news is it will cost a whole.lot.of.money. Even more that we first thought. Well, according to his rough estimate that he made high intentionally. Worst-case. Change topic! I do not want to think about it.  

5. Who was the last person to call you?
A student who can’t register. One of many who can’t register, due to a stunning array of reasons. I think for this one it was because when I sent the registrar’s office the email to admit him, they only did it for this semester and not the summer and fall. And yes, when you admit someone for one semester, it SHOULD automatically admit them from here on out. But naturally it doesn’t work like that. I kind of assumed they knew that, since it’s their system and we have complained for years about it, but of course not.

6. Do you prefer to call or text?
I prefer to email. I hate calling and I have yet to text so I don’t know if I’d like it or not.

7. Do you have any pets?
Two cats – Stella and Colfax.


10. When is the last time you saw your mom?
Last Saturday. Not long at all.

12. How many states have you lived in?
North Carolina, Georgia, and DC. Yeah, I know it’s technically not a state.

13. How many cities/towns have you lived in?
Boone, Asheville, Atlanta, Durham, and DC. Not a city either. I don’t think… it’s a district, but is it also a city?? I should know that.

14. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?
Bare feet, although I don’t walk around in public barefoot like I did when I was younger. Because now I think "eewwwwwwwwww!!!! Nasty!!!!

15. Are you a social person?
Not at all.

16. What was the last thing you ate?
Two… strings?? of string cheese. I’m kind of hungry.

17. what is your favorite ice cream?
Ben and Jerry’s, pretty much any flavor but I give preference to the chocolate ones.

18. What is your favorite dessert?
Anything chocolate.

Oh, look, I’m getting bored and skipping questions! Some of them I’ve just answered in the ten zillion other surveys I’ve done recently. Some are silly. Do I like coffee?? Hahahahahaha!!!

25. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?
I always sleep on the… right side when you’re facing the bed. I guess it’s the left side when you’re lying on it. Oddly it seems we switch sides a lot if we’re in a motel.

30. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?
Drunky Uncle and one of my cousins’ kids. I also worked in a restaurant in college where it seemed like half the employees either shared my birthday or were within a few weeks of it. Nothing like a restaurant full of airheaded spacey Geminis, that’s for sure!

36. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seats?
Window. And I can’t STAND that horrible middle seat. The one you can end up in if you fly steerage with the sheep and the chickens like I usually do.

37. Do you know how to drive a stick shift?
That’s all we have. I love stick shift.

40. What is your favorite TV show?
Currently that would be Lost. And this is Lost Night, hooray! We just started watching it this past November, on DVD, and then downloaded the six episodes they showed in the fall before taking another long break, so I don’t know what I’ll do when the next long break arrives. It’s been hard enough waiting a week for each episode after being so spoiled. We NEVER watch current TV any more. The only other semi-current thing I love is Queer Eye, and it hasn’t been on for at least six months. Other than that – we watch stuff on DVD. We had a Six Feet Under phase, and a West Wing phase – and actually still have only seen up to the start of Season Six of West Wing.

48. Do you sleep with your closet doors opened or closed?
However they end up. We have folding door things, not a real door, and Baker B generally leaves them wide open with all his clothes spilling out. Although I will say that a couple of weeks ago he went through all his clothes and I took a bunch of stuff to Salvation Army. So now you can actually shut the doors, and it looks SO much better.

Speaking of parents who have plummeted off the deep end, his mom – who in most areas is shockingly sharp at 86 – has a thing about buying him clothes. Every time he goes to see her, she has 15 pairs of pants for him. All Dockers, all pleated fronts, all VERY VERY 80s. She will not stop buying these pants for him, no matter how often he tells her he has MORE than enough pleated Dockers to last until HE’S 86. And they’re TERRIBLE. I’ve told him for years the stupid pleated Dockers are ugly and awful and NOBODY looks good in pleated Dockers – but it took Queer Eye and Carson’s rabid hatred for pleated Dockers for it to sink in. Yeah, he’ll listen to Carson but not to me. But whatever, he finally has quit wearing the REALLY pleated ones. The ones that kind of look like a poofy skirt in front and would make the skinniest man alive look pudgy. Baker B is lucky that he’s quite skinny, so doesn’t look fat in them, but they are uggggggggggly. 

53. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
Only once, which is really pretty surprising. It’s not like I don’t speed.

54. Do you dance in the car while driving?
Oh, sure – waltzes, tangos, hoedowns… how the hell do you dance in the car???? You’d sure need a bigger car than I have to dance in the car. Well, now that I consider it, there are plenty of SUVs around here that are as big as a ballroom. And they all park right smack beside me!

OooOOOooo, I’m done!

(or not —- how did these two end up way down here????)

8. What were you doing at 12am last night?
Lying there trying to go to sleep but worrying about the house instead.

9. Are your parents married/separated/divorced?
Still married, after… 55 years?? At least 55 years.

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March 28, 2007

i saw these two guys in my rear view mirror, while sitting at a light, doing a sit down version of the “jerk”. it’s obviously something only young people do. my favorite (not) is head bobbing. so see, people DO dance in the car. those Dockers..were they the Prostyle, Khaki or Relaxed Fit? i wonder what my sons would do if i began buying them Sears Tough Skins with the re-inforced knees. dothey make them for adults? you crack me up!!!

March 28, 2007

ryn re my kid: Yeah, he’s pretty smart. Takes after his ol’ mum! *winks* *GRINS*

March 28, 2007

Oddly enough, dress pants are still pleated. B has a couple of pleat-y pairs of Liz Claibornes that are just gorgeous. But forget the Dockers. He has a pair of the non-pleated ones that are quite serviceable but also quite . . . boring. Khaki, I think. Or some such Docker-ish color.

March 28, 2007

your house will be fixed within this year. all will be well. keep the faith.

March 28, 2007

ryn re boat feet: You’re too funny. You must be tall! http://www.tillys.com Check out the sale items. Women, sneakers. I think they’re toward the end! I got them today and they are definitely goofy cute! ryn re siiiiick!: I still have the cough pretty bad. It’s frustrating with choir being soooo busy next week and me only coming back for the Easter season.

Well I thought I noted this entry, because I did read it and was laughing in some places…like you share your b-day with your drunky unkie(Uncle)…That just made me laugh for some reason..and your husband’s mom buying him all of those old Docker pants..lol… And I don’t know why you can’t dance in a car. Just put on cruise control and go to it baby!!!

March 29, 2007

I once had a very unflattering Princess moment about having to sit in the middle seat flying from Toronto to Vancouver. And It was a free trip. I am still embarrassed about the scene I made, but darn it the middle seat sucks rocks. I have three phone calls to make and I am stressing about them. I hate the phone. I have always hated the phone. In my next life I want to be a cat so I don’t have to deal with either thing.

March 29, 2007

I love the idea of naming a pet Colfax.

March 30, 2007

RYN: I love the idea of using map names to pick pet names.

i’m sorry about what you guys are having to deal with regarding your house. here’s wishing a speedy and efficient repair of the situation, for less $$ then quoted.

I love chocolate, too. All the phone call questions made me think. It puts you in wonderment of your life when you think about it. LOL!

April 4, 2007

Now I want ice cream.

April 14, 2007

LOL! I HATE calling people too. Even my friends, I feel terrible, but I just hate it. It’s a common complaint with all of them. I won’t even answer the house phone! I’m terrible. reading on..