
Yes, I’ve been listening to Firesign Theatre. And since I have ten zillion stolen surveys and nothing of general interest to report – and I’m at home on dial up so it’s taking forever to read everyone else’s  interesting entries – I’ll just do this instead. It is insanely long. I may have to start skipping questions.

1. PICK OUT A SCAR YOU HAVE, AND EXPLAIN HOW YOU GOT IT. Okay. I have a scar on my right knee that I got when I was 10 or 11. I was playing with my cousins and some neighborhood kids in a little patch of trees across the road from my grandfather’s house.  There’s a culvert there, and I  hit my knee on the pipe – it had these very jagged edges – and it just gushed blood. I ran into my grandfather’s house, and my aunt took one look at me and said, AAGGHHH!!!  BLOOD!!!! YOU HAVE TO GO HOME!!! So I walked all the way home with my knee pouring blood, pushing my bike. We lived very close to my grandfather, but it’s kind of a long walk when you’re bleeding to death. I remember my mother being pretty peeved that my aunt sent me home instead of trying to administer some first aid. I don’t recall that aunt ever being very good at emergencies involving blood, though. 

2. WHAT IS ON THE WALLS IN YOUR ROOM? Which room? The room I’m in right now has some of my photographs, some family photographs, a big Wizard of Oz throw I got for Baker B when I was working at Goodwin Weavers (which I expected him to hang in his study, not in the livingroom, but whatever), a wreath that needs to be taken down now, and a wall hanging I also got at Goodwin. It has a beehive, and bees buzzing around, and a verse: "How doth the little busy bee/ Improve each shining hour/ And gather honey all the day/ From every opening flower." I was very taken with this wallhanging when I saw it, because that was a verse Lewis Carroll used in Alice in Wonderland – he based one of his nonsense poems on it. Alice was ordered to recite How Doth The Little Busy Bee and she spouted out some crazy poem instead. Naturally I forget which one it was now. I’m just a fountain of useless, halfbaked trivia!

3. WHAT HAPPENED TO QUESTION NUMBER 3? As far as I can tell, it’s right here.

4. WHAT MUSIC DO YOU LISTEN TO? I listen to all sorts of things. As long as they aren’t country. I’m currently quite taken with Interpol. And eagerly awaiting the next Radiohead. Thanks to Baker B, I’ve heard a lot of The Residents lately. Probably more than anyone needs to hear. I think they’re technically insane.

5. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT DESKTOP PICTURE? The art glass thing that WAS my personal picture here, until I switched it for the foggy trees. However, the old one is still showing up right this minute as I write this. I do NOT understand what’s going on with that thing. 

6. WHAT DO YOU WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING RIGHT NOW? My most imediate wish is to not have to go to work tomorrow. Forget world peace – I want a day off with no obligations! 

7. WHAT DO YOU MISS? Hot weather. Summer. Charleston.

8. WHAT TIME WERE YOU BORN?  I believe it was a little before eight in the morning.


16. COFFEE OR ENERGY DRINKS? Coffee IS an energy drink. I’ve only tried Red Bull. And thought it was kind of nasty.

16 1/2 What happened to 10-15??? I’m officially starting to skip questions. You’ll thank me before this is over.

17. FAVE PIZZA TOPPINGS? I really really really hate the word"fave". My favORITE toppings are mushrooms, olives, artichokes, mushrooms, dried tomatoes, mushrooms. And mushrooms.  

18. IF YOU COULD EAT ANYTHING RIGHT NOW, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Oddly enough, I am WAY too full of pizza right now. What timing! We brought leftovers back from Asheville. I feel like I need to not eat for about a month.

20. DO YOU SPEAK ANOTHER LANGUAGE? I wouldn’t go so far as to say I can speak Spanish, but I did have two years in high school and two years in college. With a shockingly terrible teacher and an even worse professor, so I learned basically nothing. Hola! Adios! Que pasa? Gracias! Hablas MUY poca espanol. I’m surprised I could even remember that much. And that’s probably very wrong.

 32. WHAT IS THE ONE NUMBER YOU CALL MOST OFTEN? Probably the registrar’s office. Which is so similar to my old number – before New Person J was hired and got my old number – that I was constantly giving people the registrar’s number instead of mine.

39. WHAT WERE YOU DOING BEFORE YOU FILLED THIS OUT? Recording Solaris on DVD for Baker B. Illegally. Don’t tell the FBI. He’s using it in his latest synch project. It’s the original Russian one, so I’ve been listening to people speaking Russian for a couple of hours now.

43. WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF ALCOHOL BECAME ILLEGAL? I suppose I would start frequenting speakeasies. That’s always sounded like fun.

68. DO YOU UN-TIE YOUR SHOESWHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF?  Who is responsible for that hyphen in untie??? Stop that right now! I do untie my shoes, but when I was a kid one of my cousins taught me how to take off my shoes without untying them, and I don’t think I broke that habit until I was in my thirties. I will confess that once in a great while I still take off my shoes by using one foot to shove the shoe off the other one and I don’t untie them. It’s terrible for your shoes.

71. WHAT’S THE LAST FURRY THING YOU TOUCHED?  Stella. Who is so happy we’ve come home that she’s raced around the house all night.

76. WHO ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Why do you think I’m listening to someone??? Are you WATCHING me??!!!??!!!

77. LAST THING YOU ATE? I just told you. Pizza. I’m regretting it, too.

78. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? Kim, when we were trying to get together with her yesterday while we were in Asheville. We finally suceeded.

79. WHAT’S THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ON THE OPPOSITE SEX? On them?? Well, probably insects. Or dirt. 

81. FAVORITE THING TO HATE? Long surveys that I wish I hadn’t started because I’m too tired to have fun with it.

82. FAVORITE DRINK? Coffee and beer. And seltzer water with Pom. Or straight cranberry juice, no sugar.

91. LAST THING YOU WATCHED? Can’t really count Solaris since I didn’t actually watch it.. Oh, we watched Pandora’s Box Friday night. For some reason Baker B wanted to see it. It’s a silent movie, from 1928. The music was entertaining, but it could have used more … what do they call those cards you read??? I’m sure they have a name. The ones that tell you what people are saying. The actors were going on and on and on, and they’d never show a card, so we didn’t have a clue what was happening for most of the movie. I thought it was quite racy, for 1928. It was also TWO HOURS LONG, so we fast forwarded through the last half. Jack the Ripper makes an appearance. 

 Oh, that’s it – yay!!! I’ve just about put myself to sleep.




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Ok, I actually pulled up my pants leg after reading question one. I thought I had a scar from childhood on my right knee too…only it’s my left knee. 20. I’ll try and translate… Hello. Goodbye. What’s up. Thank you. Forgive my poor Spanish????? LOL… I think pizza sounds good right now. I must be feeling better.

you are such fun!

February 26, 2007

i’m am so with you on #17 …. MUSHROOMS!!! FRESH MUSHROOMS! (not canned)

and ya know something? your #1 response reminds me quite a bit of something i’d write about for my #1 … knee, jagged edges, lots of blood, bike, (metal basket), walking a long ways home with blood running down my leg.

February 27, 2007

That’s my fave kinda pizza, too. And I’m with you on “Fave.” It’s a non-word. Although I am terribly guilty of using it.

February 27, 2007

I love mushrooms on pizza too! (But where are the green peppers and banana peppers?!?!)

February 27, 2007

OMG, if alcohol became illegal I’d learn how to homebrew tomorrow. At first I thought you wrote you liked “seltzer water with Porn,” lol.

February 28, 2007

That first answer took me all the way back to this amazing fall slidey thing I did walking to school on my own when I was about seven. I was halfway between school and home and I agonized about if I should go home first or school. I am not sure I ever recovered from that dilemma. There was a lot of blood. I worked in a building here that had a speakeasy in it in the old days, tunnels down to the river too. I thought that was too cool

March 1, 2007

Since the walk from Pops’ house to yours is very much UPHILL, while technically “very close” it was still quite a hike especially for a bleeding youngun. I never heard such heartless aunt stories when we were growing up. But then, we were very protected, unpolluted, not a bad thing at all.

March 1, 2007

Mmm mushrooms.

This is a funny survey. I like country. I never thought I would but I moved to the Stampede capital of the world. I know, I know…it is so sad…LOL!