ABC’s of Lovers
A Lover…
Always wants to spend time with you.
Brings you closer to your dreams.
Cherishes every moment with you.
Does things for "just you."
Expects nothing from you.
Forgives and forgets.
Gives you a sweet nickname.
Hugs you when you need it most.
Inspires you.
Jokes around with you.
Kisses your tears away.
Listens to you.
Makes your heart flutter.
Notices the little things about you.
Opens up their heart and life to you.
Pulls strings to get things (done) for you.
Questions your sanity more than anything else.
Recognizes your needs, wants and desires, and tries to accomodate them.
Surprises you occasionally.
Takes you to places you’ve never been before.
Uncovers the "real" you, and still loves you.
Values your thoughts and opinions.
Whispers "sweet nothings" in your ear.
X-hilerates you.
Yearns for you each moment you’re apart.
Zzzz… falls asleep with you.
(and the variation…)
My (dream) Lover…
Always wants to spend time with me.
Brings me closer to my dreams.
Cherishes every moment with me.
Does things for "just me."
Expects nothing from me.
Forgives and forgets.
Gives me a sweet nickname.
Hugs me when I need it most.
Inspires me.
Jokes around with me.
Kisses my tears away.
Listens to me.
Makes my heart flutter.
Notices the little things about me.
Opens up his heart and life to me.
Pulls strings to get things (done) for me.
Questions my sanity more than anything else.
Recognizes my needs, wants and desires, and tries to accomodate them.
Surprises me occasionally.
Takes me to places I’ve never been before.
Uncovers the "real" me, and still loves me.
Values my thoughts and opinions.
Whispers "sweet nothings" in my ear.
X-hilerates me.
Yearns for me each moment we’re apart.
Zzzz… falls asleep with me.
© 1996 by K. Nolan