
Ok. So. I come home from work and one of the fishes looks sick. The other two are fine tho. I feed them, and the goldfishes gobble up their food as usual. I go off to my supervisory meeting and hope for the best.

I get to my meeting where I’m informed that the company I work for is closing on may 31st. This isn’t a *huge* issue, because I wasn’t planning on being employed by them this summer anyways. But still.

So, since they can’t just randomly leave all the kids we service in a lurch, they’ve transferred them to other agencies. So, there’s a job at another agency should I want it. Unfortunately, it’s NOT at the agency where I’ve already interviewed and been sort of hired. (Except I dunno if I’ve been hired, cuz I’ve only heard it second hand and although I trust the source implicitly, things may’ve changed since she heard it.) So, instead of having the summer to figure things out, I now have approximately 1 week. Great. just.fucking.great.

It’s not really the situation that has my brain in a whirlwind, it’s more the….shock of it? To walk in to work one day and be told “hi, we’re closing in a week.” with no prior clue?? And maybe I shoulda had a clue. But all along, we’ve been hearing “autistic kids are safe so far, so we’re just fine!” Uhm…false sense of security…thanks but no thanks.

So. Whatever. Ok.

Then I go right from there to dinner. A teacher randomly invited me to a local restaurant after work. I’m thinking it was a bit of a mercy-invite, seeing as she was talking to another teacher about it when I happened to look up at her and then she kinda came over and invited me. But whatever. I went anyways, trying to be social and Normal. Dinner was nice. One of my favourite teachers was there, she’s a very chic woman and seems a bit more liberal than most of the people at the school. I even ran in to her at The Vagina Monologues this year. So it was nice talking to her.

Then after dinner as we’re in line to pay our bills, the one who invited me- K, was making some…not anti-gay comments but…comments that, were you knowledgeably in the presence of a homosexual you probably wouldn’t make because they could more than easily be construed as….not hostile but…unfriendly, at least. And she -knows- I’m gay. Unless she doesn’t pay attention at all to facebook crap. But I’ve messaged her there and she’s messaged me and it’s more than obvious on there that I’m not straight. And she’s ultra-conservative, christian, etc. (Which is another reason I question her last minute invitation….we’re not exactly buddies or anything.) But WHATEVER. It doesn’t matter the intention or thought behind the invite. I accepted and went and was cordial and friendly.

And I came home. To two dead fish. And one dying fish. Who is fading before my eyes.

And I still haven’t answered AJ’s email cuz when I’m in an ok mood to do it, I don’t have time, and when I have time I’m generally not in a good head-place to respond the way I need to. And my previous email apparently wasn’t as carefully composed as I had thought/tried.

And the cat has a giant butt full of poop-matted fur.

I took some pictures of M’s flowers. I should go photoshop them.

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Crossing my fingers for the new job. I hate poop-matted fur. Poor kitty.

May 21, 2007

i’m sorry about your fishies hon. 🙁 xoxo *~

May 21, 2007

Last week my mother’s fish had enough and jumped out of his bowl… we found him on the floor. sorry *hugs*