
And so it goes.and so it goes

It’s been a long day. Didn’t get in to work as early as I wanted (heh, tho earlier than I’ve been managing, so that’s good. Gracie’s back on Monday, thank furk.

But I got in to discover eight new admits. ALWAYS on a Thursday, ARGH. I mean, it will be ok IF there aren’t too many new admits this evening/tonite. But if there are…I’m screwed, cuz there’s also a bunch of updates that are due on Sunday that need to be gotten to. So there was that.

And then CA tx team was pushed to 10am, instead of it’s usual 930, which puts *my* whole schedule off track, so I had a half an hour of lag time in which I couldn’t do much, cuz of course there weren’t any new psych evals or H&P’s complete, so I couldn’t start the plans yet, really. I did tho, rough outlines of a few. Then we had team. Then I went up front to update the ARC boards and saw a name on the board that I kind of never expected to see there and it set the rest of my day off kilter.

And then Deb and Will dragged me to a drug in-service lunch where I got to sit and listen to the joys of seroquel and also to DrF spout on about seroquel vs other things and blah blah as he was obviously trying to impress us with his knowledge. Or. Well, that’s just how he is, I guess. It was free lunch, anyways. But still, I didn’t have time for it.

Finished that, then had to go back to the units to get all the meds and things that I couldn’t get to this morning cuz the nurses had the medexes and things. And I still didn’t get all of the H&P’s and such. So I still have a bunch of MTP’s to draw up tomorrow. *sigh*

And then I had to leave early cuz I had another appt with pdoc. Of course I was all agitated and it lasted all of like, 5 minutes. And I was going to go back and finish up more work but just couldn’t be bothered so I came home.

And what do I find in my mailbox? My “You’re ineligible to continue in the Associate of Science in Nursing Program at [the] University….”

Whatever. Just whatfuckingever. I REALLY don’t feel like filling out their official withdrawal form. The time they spent to type up all the letters, stuff the envelopes- including including a prestamped envelope that needed to be folded to fit…they coulda filled out the damn card themselves.

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February 16, 2006

Don’t file. What can they do to you?

i’ll definately still write…of course… xoxoxox *~

To Read Others. ^^^ F*CKING OD signed me out AGAIN. xoxo

February 16, 2006

A drug-inservice lunch? Christ woman, just drink your lunch like the rest of us! *grin*

I think Thursday is gradually replacing Monday as the most despised day of the week. What happens if you don’t fill out the form? I say you don’t do it. (As long as they can’t penalize you for it)

February 18, 2006

Maybe most people can’t get the hang of Thursdays? 😛 I’m sorry it was a rough one for you. Hang in there.

Sorry you saw a name on the board that you hadn’t wanted. Sorry it was a rough day for you. Hope things are going well with AJ. Hugs, Jeanne