why i love children: *edit*

Because 6 year olds can be awed and amazed about the most random and inconsequential things.

I was babysitting tonite, and putting M’s kids to bed, and tickling RB’s back, and he started humming a song, and I started singing the lyrics and he sat up and he was like “You know that song?????” And I was like…yeah….and he was like “So, you have Kids Sing the Hits volume 22” or something like that…and I laughed and said no, I just knew the song. (cuz it’s a pop song that they put on one of those teeny-bopper cds) Anyways. So, he had to play the song (It was the “So you had a bad day” song). Just once. And then went to sleep.

And DB….explained to me the complexities of 4th grade recess time, and how she’s ‘scared’ to turn 10. “Probably most scared of anyone!” she said. We never really got around to why, cuz she started telling me about the differences between 4th and 5th grade and her school’s ranking system and such. (I mean, part of the reason is -because- of the change to 5th grade and such). But. I dunno. Life maybe doesn’t get much better than late nite conversations with little freckle-faced miniature people. I can’t think about it too much cuz….it literally takes my breath away. To see her now and remember her back when she was a tiny peanut curled in my lap. MY lap. With a whole crowd of students and other people around, and she chose ME. 🙂 She prolly wouldn’t today, but that’s ok. She did once.

Geezum. It can’t REALLY be past midnite!! ACK. I’m NEVER gonna make it to work on time in the morning. Sheisse.


OOOOH!!!! If it’s after midnite it means it’s the 19th which means it’s officially TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY!!!!!!! Arrrrrrrr, matey!

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September 19, 2006

ARRRGH! ahahaha!

September 19, 2006

Yargh! Flip up me eyepatch and call me Blinky! Small children can also be quite scary. For example, their ability to scream for 15 minutes straight without the need to breathe….yeah that can freak me out.

September 19, 2006

Have a good time talking like a pirate? *grin* Kids are great. It’s good someone has life in perspective 🙂

September 19, 2006

yo ho ho….. I love kids when they just wake up… and they are still hovering in sleep-land. My favorite thing is to smell the tops of their heads… each smells different, but no matter how old they get, I can grab them close, breathe in deep and I *know* them… I love being able to know that once.. when they were just tiny lumps, they thought I was the world, so I know what you mean. Some daythey may not pick you… but you were part their world at one time, when the world was very tiny…… I was driving to the park today and Bear sat in the back the whole time screaming “NANANA” She thought it was funny seeing me in the mirror.

…oooo, talk like a pirate day!! 🙂 (and I MISSED IT! damn… errrr… ARRRGGGH. 😉

Hey you! I’ve just been going over what we have for the murder mystery thus far, and I’m ready to push ahead. A lot of the characters are nearing the actual murder date, others are not so far. Anyway, I hate putting an extra burden on you because I know you’re probably very busy lately, so I had an idea for Lisa’s character. We’ve already established that she has the “juicy pics” which will play a part in the end game, and that she’s in financial trouble. How about if she writes a “going away for a while” entry because she’s losing her internet service due to the cost? Don’t want to stifle your creativity, but I do want the Jenny character to die before people start to forget about it and lose interest. I’m trying to think of creative ways of getting everyone up to speed. 🙂

Oh, one more thing… I was checking the master timeline and I have down that Lisa catches Syd and Jenny together in a hotel on June 15. I’m assuming your latest entry is referencing that part of the plot, but Syd and Jenny aren’t having an affair until later on in the story. So my idea is that Lisa loses her internet service and goes on hiatus, and then updates in late June with a hint of juicypictures. Maybe written from an internet cafe or something. And hinting of future financial stability. *sigh* Murder mysteries are so damn complicated!

September 26, 2006

ryn: always – just let me know when!