Why I frikkin LOVE my credit union….

So, I’ve been HUGELY stressed about overdrawing a check this week. I wouldn’t’ve been *quite* so stressed if it were another check, but this particular one was to my cut up credit card that was so overdrawn they were gonna report me to the credit bureau, but instead I was able to set up a thing with them where they automatically withdrawl a certain amt of money from my checking account on the 8th of every month. The thing is, if you screw up even once, the deal is off and I would’ve been back to the huge debt PLUS monthly finance charges for not paying the huge debt PLUS monthly late fees for not being able to pay the minimum required amount.

So. This check was important.

Unfortunately, my paycheck was late last week (Still isn’t here, actually…) and so I didn’t have the funds to cover it. (Even tho it may not seem like it, I AM kind of careful with my finances….as far as knowing that I need to pay certain things at certain times and whatnot…it’s a rather strict time-budget thing.) ANYways….so, the 8th came and there weren’t enough funds.

But I just checked, to see what the damage was.

And yes, I was charged $30 by my bank for not having sufficient funds. BUT. My bank *covered* the insufficiency, so as far as the credit card company is concerned, I paid on time, in full.

FUCKIN’ RELIEVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I heart my credit union, I really, really do.

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February 9, 2007

sweet. *~
