WHOA (aka: Who did that????)

I just went to save that last entry and discovered I had chapters again. Meaning, I’m back to OD+…..but there’s no Gift Subscription note thing or anything….
Whoever it was, THANK YOU!!!!

In the words of Scarlett O’Hara (O’Hare? Wait, that’s an airport, isn’t it?)…..I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers friends……

If you tell me who you are, I’ll take a special picture for youuuuuuu! *said in a sing song voice*

Or, you can remain anonymous. I believe in altruism. But, seriously, HUGS!!! Srsly. SRSLYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

<—– Recent entry that way.

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June 6, 2007

That wasn’t Scarlett O’Hara baby, that was Blanche DuBois from A Streetcar Named Desire. But it’s still wicked cool that someone rained some kindness down on ya!

Maybe if I tried to take credit for it, the real donor would come forward. >=o)

Yea for anonymous donors! =)

June 7, 2007

::rings your doorbell…tip toes away sneakily:: 🙂 xoxo *~