When life hands you lymes…

…take the antibiotics….

So, Dr called back a few days ago. Lab results came back positive for Lyme Disease. Not that I remember ever being bitten by a tick. Or having a rash. Or unaccountable joint issues.  But the fatigue part fits, so…? *shrugs* She’s got me on a 3wk course of antibiotics, yay more meds *rolls eyes* Which I had been having no problem with until this morning, when I got really nauseous and then threw up everything in my stomach. Nothing quite like undigested pop tarts coming back up. blech.

In other news, I still sleep a lot.

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May 24, 2013

I hope this is the start of some real healing at least… xox *~

May 24, 2013

Good luck and eat plenty of yogurt. It’s the only thing I know that lets me tolerate antibiotics. And if it doesn’t help you, at least it’s more pleasant to throw up than pop tarts.

*laughing* at Deve’s “more pleasant throw up” and I can see your diet hasn’t improved (also the ice cream for dinner sharing w/ Devil Dog pic *grin* :)… I’m jealous of your answers! I am. Answers are GOOD. Even if they’re weird ones. If you’ve had it for a LONG while you’ll likely have to be on the antibiotics for a lot longer than 3 weeks though. :/ Weren’t you complaining of knee ouchies?

Like recently? THAT is super common with Lyme’s I just read that. Weird, huh? (((hugs))) though tired ones cuz I have the snoozies too. Can’t we just take a BIG NAP together. Geesh. 🙂 MOTEL MOVIE FEST!!! 🙂

May 27, 2013

ryn: When people change their name, I always hope they keep a diary picture I’ll recognize.

May 27, 2013

How are you tolerating your drug regimen? I had to remove my fist tick of the season today.