What’s weird…

Chatting online with a child whom I’ve known since she could barely form sentences. Very strange indeed. She’s this amazing girl with all of these thoughts and ideas and feelings of her own. But, she’s still as…I dunno the word for it…sweet? Intense, maybe. She was always a thoughtful and kind child- but many kids are. I’m so glad to see that she still has that genuine caring heart.

School today was….ugh. Of course, TOB wasn’t there- he got suspended (or as the kids in the class say it, “expended” or “suspedded”) until Monday. But even with just 4 kids—it was SUCH a stressful day. There was a substitute who just….didn’t seem to care about what I or the regular classroom aide had to say. He wasn’t even a special ed teacher- just a regular teacher with an engineering degree.

The kids were literally running around the room chasing each other and crawling under tables and desks and chairs. I mean, yes, there are occasions when one or more of them are doing that anyways. But this time they were laughing and giggling, and even after I redirected them for it, they did it, and the teacher said squat.

Those kids are difficult enough to handle with all the adults in the room backing each other up. But when you get one adult who says nothing and even goes so far as to join in on their antics….gawd, it was chaos. It was so awful, I took an ativan at like, 10am cuz I felt like *I* was gonna flip out. That helped some, I think.

I was in SUCH a bad mood when I left. I wasn’t going to go to Allies tonite, but Doc P had mentioned in a facebook note that he had been missing me at the meetings (hadn’t been able to go the last few weeks cuz of other commitments and such), so I decided to go tonite. The meeting was annoying and I can’t stand the maturity level of most of the members, but it was nice to chat with Doc P a bit, and he walked me home, so that was pleasant 🙂 I love having conversations with him, cuz he’s odd and random. We talked about Nearly Headless Nick (one of his ex-chickens, as well as the ghost from HP) and about AIDS statistics over the last 2 decades, and about lesbian chic flicks and other random things.

Weird, seeing him more than I see J. lah.

Oh well. Time for more mario kart. heh. And then sleep. My neck and shoulders and arms ache. bleeuuurgh.

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