What can I do??

Checking up on everyone’s blogs and things, today, I decided to follow a link that someone had posted, related to a rape epidemic in the Congo.

I couldn’t finish the article tho, as I was shaking and too angry by the end of the first page to continue.

I don’t watch the news. I don’t read the papers. Sometimes I tune in to the 8o’clock news report on the radio, which generally consists of any local car accidents, fires, domestic altercations, and community projects. That’s about all the news I can handle. Yes, you can call me ignorant. No, my ignoring the problems doesn’t make them go away.

But, I can only do so much. I can’t do enough, actually. I can’t save the world, I don’t even know how to begin.

When I read the articles like the one about the Congo, I want to go there and hold those women’s hands. I want to take care of them when they are too shattered to stand. Of COURSE I want to end the horrors and evils of the world. But how?

And I’ve gotten flamed before, for admitted that I do not pay attention to the news, to the world around me. But so be it. I already know that there is evil and disaster and disease and famine and unimaginable terror going on in the world (as well as good things and peace and happiness and joy, J’s voice whispers in the back of my consciousness) But hearing about it every day does not do me any good. “Well, what about the people who have to LIVE it everyday????” people shout. My heart cries for them. But burying myself with the news of their depression does not enable me to climb out of my own. And, it’s not even like I pretend that nothing bad is going on in the world. As I said, I’m well aware of it- I just can’t handle learning about all of the specifics.

I try to do what I can, in my corner of the world. I strive always to be kind (at least to those around me, if not to myself. heh.) I lend a hand whenever I am able. I am not afraid to be altruistic when need be. I try to listen and empathize and reach out.

And I know my actions won’t heal the world. But. But what else can I do?

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Your actions will help heal the world. One person, one family, one community at a time. What we do every day matters. Big hugs.

October 9, 2007

i dont watch the news or read newspapers either… rare occasions. love you *hugs*

I try to watch the 11pm news, but usually only hang around for the weather. =o/

October 9, 2007

you do heal the world – one little piece at a time