We’re on a roadtrip! to a…funeral….

home again home again.

that was certainly an experience.

heh. one quote that came up….

“Seriously. Confident women scare people more than anything. Even more than clowns!” -SS

There was definately a lot of talking about body hair, vaginas, hpv, classic gynecological visits, evil ex boyfriends, and disasterous relationship tales.

I definately had a difficult time not sobbing hysterically during the memorial. except for the parts where I was trying to mask the fact that I was laughing hysterically. But. Was definately an angerball afterwards. (Hahaha. masking of feelings anyone? anyone? beuller?)

I definately ate chicken strips yesterday and meatballs today. and i feel like i’m going to yarf. i ate like, nonstop and now i feel disgusting and my stomach hurts. And i wasn’t even hungry. i was just eating. heh. whatever.

ugh. bed.

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ryn: the fact that Jon & I both SMOKE & y’know, add even MORE CO into our systems probably does not help either… *shrugs* From the bit of reading I’ve done this morning so far it doesn’t seem as though those stupid detectors are all that reliable ANYway. We were trying to figure out why this winter has been so much worse for him & I AND O’s asthma cough & couldn’t really think of anything BUT

then he mentioned we should probably get one of those detectors because this Fall we got a used gas dryer and gas stove… so maybe something isn’t working properly with one of the appliances… (& O coughs just HORRIBLY at home but not a bit at school) …anyway… that might explain a lot MY bullshit as well since I’m home more than anyone else too. *shrugs*

…I *like* confident women. 🙂