Waiting Game

Ok, still no work from the possible new job. Ugh, ugh, ugh. In my mind, I’ve convinced myself that since they haven’t called yet, they don’t want me. But I’m trying to convince myself it just means they haven’t called yet! There’s still an hour left to today’s business hours, right? So they still might call. I did put the right number on my application, right? Of course I must have. UGH!

I only ran a mile today on the treadmill. I just couldn’t get in to it. Part of this may be my awful lack of nutrition. Part may be my laziness. Part may be the hip pain, though the hip wasn’t really bothering me today, it was more my lower calf muscles, I suspect from wearing my Vibrams yesterday and doing 3 miles on the treadmill. They do change my gait, I think, and I use my toes more, rather than my heels.

I do love them, though. They’re super comfy and I can’t wait for the weather to be nice so I can run outside more in them.

It’s only 9 degrees here today. Needless to say, that makes me want to do nothing but curl up under the covers and be warm! Thank goodness I start back to work tomorrow. Well, for a day at least, then I’m off for two days, then back full time.

Wow these entries are full of drivel and boredom. Sorry about that. Maybe I’ll start a new job soon and will be full of interesting stories. Probably not, but one can dream…. :o)

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January 23, 2013

i love my frog shoes. *~

Did you get the stretching video I sent you? Have you tried it Ms. (if I recall) I Don’t Warm Up OR Cool Down EVAR? 🙂 Oh 9 degrees. We’ve been in the minuses for days&days. The only time I am warm is for the few minutes I am in the so hot I can barely stand it tub every morning. We’re supposed to see TWENTY!!! today and I am SO excited! 🙂

p.s. yes, you should sometimes check your alternate identity for notes you know, now that you have created it and all… 😉

No I guess it was your hips you were complaining about? 🙂

& not like just but like… January. Which feels like JUST. Wtf. 🙂 I mean, seriously! 🙂 xoxo