Waiting for Grace

Well. Ok.

I forget where I left off last time, other than being in a very, very bad mood. I ended up on the phone with J for almost a half an hour. It was good to just hear a calm voice.

Also called the dr’s office to make an appt and somehow they scheduled me for the next day! So much for having a week in which to change my mind and cancel, heh. So I went to Dr H yesterday. Difficult. Ugh. Why the hell does she have to be so nice? (And so damn CUTE??? lol.) She gave me a whole bag full of samples, and also forms to send in to the drug companies to get assistance with the meds when I run out of samples. I was there for frikkin ever. heh. I started back on the Effexor yesterday and already the dizziness is subsiding, thank fuck. I actually feel like I can FUNCTION now. It’s hard enough to get myself motivated to do anything, and then to add that layer of the world going in and out of focus constantly. Well. NOT helpful, to say the least.

Yesterday was also the last day of school and thus, my last day of employment. Although, T’s mom seems to think I’m going to be working with him this summer???? Gah. So now i have to decide– do I ditch my ethics and work for a company that I really don’t feel comfortable working for because I need the money, or do I….right. There’s not really a plan B at the moment. So. Yeah. I’m waiting to hear back from people.

I tried to file for unemployment again, but the website was fucked up and wouldn’t let me do so from school. I need to try that again later. Right now I’m filling out a form to donate my car to a children’s home. Wee.

JV was just over (I’m at the new place) helping me move stuff up to the rafters so I have more space and such, and she helped me to move a bureau (er…an…armoire?) over so I can start to consolidate their stuff. My goal is to get most everything in the one corner over to the *other* corner with all of the other stuff that is theirs and is staying. And then I can *finally* start moving my stuff in. Eef.

I also need to call my ex-boss with my last week of hours. lah.

Still haven’t heard back from AJ. 2 yr anniversary coming up. *sigh*

It is hot and muggy out, but the breeze comes thru this apartment in quite a lovely way.

How, exactly, does one *clean* bare wood floors? Like…I can’t mop them, can I? (they’re not like, hardwood floors with a finish. Just…boards.) I guess just sweep and vacuum.

Ok. More moving of stuff.

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We have bare wood floors & I mop them w/ regular stuff although technically I don’t think you’re *supposed* to. I usually just sweep & vacuum and when I feel like they’re icky from the dog or lots of dirt & mud coming in on shoes then I’ll mop them–I try to get the mop as “dry” as I can so I’m not soaking the boards though. ((((hugs))))

ryn: I use a sponge mop… can’t recall the brand but it was mid-range (not cheap, not spendy)–it has rollers to squeeze out the sponge. It doesn’t get caught in the wood too badly–the rag kinds did. Also, yes. (Janet Fitch) Paint it Black… so far I’d say it was almost *better* than White Oleander & I LOVED that book.