Weeee. Worked last nite and then drove to La’s this morning. Had a lovely 4hr chat session, covering topics from Monsonto (or however you spell it) to the purpose of cicadas to the the parceling gayness into so many categories and when will it end to gun ownership. She just got a gun from her dad. I held it. *shudders* I almost want one (I know, WHY, right? I’m so jumpy I’m sure I’d shot myself in the face whenever I tried to use it) but it’d be fun to go to the shooting range with her and target practice or something.

Whoa. I just plugged my kindle in to charge and it Upgraded itself??? That’s crazy. I wonder what’s changed….

Anyways. I drank copious amounts of coffee and enjoyed myself thoroughly and then I went to the mall across from her house and just wandered around a bit….I got my biggest paycheck ever at work on Thursday, so I needed to relieve myself of some of it, of course. Just bought a few little things…2 pairs of running tights (buy one get one 1/2 off), and some smell good candles (3 for $10!) at Bath & Body Works. That fulfilled my need for retail therapy.

The drive home was lovely with the windows down and The Indigo Girls playing.

I stopped by and saw John for a few minutes, then came home and went for a short run- I decided to run through my neighborhood, which I NEVER do for some reason…I dunno why, it’s flat as fuck and has beautiful scenery- big trees and such. But my usual route is a very hilly one past the university. But I was pretty tired and just wanted to get out there, but not stray too far from home. So I ran around the neighborhood and it was lovely. I only wish I had worn my GPS watch so I had the mileage calculation. I imagine I only did about a mile and some change, cuz I only ran for 14mins, but it was enough to break a sweat and get my heart pumping pretty good. Came home, took Lucy for a short walk and now I’m ready to sleep before working tonite.

Mmmm, Wake Me When September Comes as done by the Vitamin String Quartet just came on Pandora. Love this version. Love VSQ.

Love sleep.

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It’s 4:14. I’m Nooking and maybe half cat-napping. Just got back from bday party for neighbor friend’s 3 y.o. More social than I’ve been in weeks (& it wasn’t awful). Though now I need a rest :).

Also, when did 84% become I’m on page 200-something? 🙂 Does Kindle not do page numbers? *enormousgrins* & also I’m just joshin’ ya because it makes me laugh. & also, love. 🙂

June 9, 2013
