
Right. There’s nothing quite like waking up to the sound of a very large man saying “HELLO? HELLO? We’re gonna be on your porch for a while…” Greeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaat. And me with the back door open and not actually having any pants on to hop right out of bed to close it. Fuckin’A!!! Thankfully the way the door is when it’s open, it kinda mostly shields the bed from the outside, and I was able to get up while they were turned around and close it. The shade, thankfully, was already pulled down. *sigh* Not that they woulda noticed me not having pants on, as the tshirt I’m wearing goes to my knees! But still. It’s the concept of the thing.

And THEN when I got back to sleep I started dreaming that they were actually coming in my house. And my bathroom was on the other side of the room than it’s actually on, and they were supposed to be working in the room right next to it (which is the door to the attic eaves) but they were in the bathroom instead. And the bathroom was also all opposite than it is now. Sink on the other wall, etc. And I was trying to move the shelving cart thing that’s next to the sink and the bottom legs and wheels fell off of the top, so I was standing there holding it up and trying to get the part without legs on to the sink, so I didn’t drop it and make a huge mess with everything that was on it. And there were just all these big workmen in bright reddish orange shirts milling around making me feel very uneasy cuz there were so many that I couldn’t get out of the bathroom. I mean, they weren’t blocking the door on purpose, they were just all around and I was trapped and….blech.

Being surrounded by big burly men might be a fantasy for some gals. But certainly not for this ‘man-fearing’ dyke!!! lol.

oi. Need to get over to M’s at some point today to help out and watch the kids so that she can get some stuff done. And Jay is s’posed to call so that the Allies officers can meet and get things organized for activities day on monday. Which reminds me that I need to cut material for ribbons yet. Eesh.

And I have NO idea what I’m gonna wear on the first day of school. lol. Prolly the same outfit I wore to go out on AJ’s b-day.

I was at the skewl the other day, working for Dr F, and I was walking down the hall and all of the nsg profs (or a bunch of the ones that I knew, I guess I should say) were standing in the hallway and they stopped their chatter and chattered with me for a few minutes. I think they all seem to like me, which is good. And, yeah, I know I have self-esteem issues, but this is different- sometimes it can be quite difficult to get on ALL of their good sides!! But sometimes that’s what it takes just to graduate! Eep. I really wish I knew where my clinical was going to be, but Joyce said we’d find out on MONDAY. *screams* Wanna know NOW! Oh. Need to call in Rx’s. Hooray for rapid refill.

Need to clean room
put laundry away
do dishes
pay DPW premium
pay for a new registrationthing for my car
get my car inspected (bad feeling it’s not gonna pass w/o some work, as it’s leaking oil like CRAZY. Ugh. I’m killing the environment, I know I am. UGH.)
read stuff for the first day of classes
get a mouse for rocky
clean out my computer bag
clean out the files on my computer!
put new batteries in recorder
do something with this huge pile of receipts and bill stubs that’s next to my desk (Ok, I know people keep these. I keep them. But WHY? I mean…Is there a need to keep them? Especially when I pay my bills online and don’t even mark on the paper statements that I get…can I just throw them away??)
find palm pilot software so I can put palm desktop on to my laptop
wash sheets
wash uniforms!!! eep
find white shoes
find white socks I don’t think the rules say anything about having to wear white socks with our uniforms. hehe. I’m not gonna if I don’t hafta!
go to the psych center and have my ppd read, although the nurse at the dr’s office said she trusted me since I’m a nursing student, to read it myself and just call in with the results on Monday. And since I’ve gotten the damn test like, 5 times in the past 6 years!
make sure I’ve all the needed paperwork for skewl- already turned in a copy of my cpr re-cert, just need proof of having a tetanus shot in the last 10 years (which is stupid, they already HAVE that proof, as it was needed for the FIRST semester of skewl. pinheads. geesh.) and the results of the tb test (the ppd). I’d much rather that they require us to have frequent testing for Hepatitis. Although I dunno if there’s a test to do for that, more like just getting vaccines. Or I guess that blood tests would show if you had it. Well, some of them, if they were active? But I guess they assume if you got the vaccination that you’re ok. I just know that I am always working with ppl who have Hep C, sometimes B. heh. Along with a million other viruses. ah well…
call mum
write gloria (eep.)
water plants
feed animals
put all cd’s away

lah. right now tho i need to go back to bed. i feel yucky.

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August 27, 2005

Your ‘to-do’ list just reminded me I have to do most of the same things today… ugh. love,

I usually write my confirmation number on the paper bill and save it for a month just in case the company decides to lose all of it’s data; once the next paper statement arrives showing I paid last month, I repeat the whole process. It is still a little anal, but not near as anal as I was before I did everything on computer. I am just a random fan of Calvin and Hobbes.