
I’ll be 27 soon. Gifts ideas can be found here. (Although can be purchased much cheaper elsewhere. Like here. I prefer full screen, but wide will do. :op

I’m joking. Tho if there were some way I could set it up so people could deposit money directly in to my bank account, I would. heh.

I’m joking again. mostly

I only mention it cuz today in the mail I received Rent! An early bday gift. (And really, the widescreen bit only bothers me for a few seconds and then I forget about it, honest…I’m sooooo grateful for it!!) G is wonderful. The girl never forgets bdays or xmas. And me? Yeah. I prolly haven’t sent her a card in like, 3 years. Of course….I haven’t sent ANYone a card in about as long, and I consistently forget my best friend’s birthday, so. You’d think, after 23 years, one would remember. But I don’t. Or. I remember but never find anything and just can’t seem to make the time to make that perfect something. *sigh* I’m horrible. (Anyways. No, I didn’t just make the list up today even tho it looks that way since I added it all today. But I made a new account and all, annonyminity reasons and all that jazz. (ooh. Jazz. I should add what’s it called….Chicago to the list. hehe..) So. *shrugs*)

I can’t decide if I should curl up and watch it now or wait, since I just got back from therp where I cried for most of the latter half of the session. *sigh*

I simply don’t know how to proceed. And I’m trying to keep it in the realm of it being MY decision, even tho I can’t seem to MAKE that decision. Tho she stated today it seemed like I was telling her I needed to go.

I think I’ll go back to bed til it’s time to watch M’s kids tonite (or rather, sit in the kitchen for an hour til the other sitter gets back, as they should be mostly to bed by the time I get there. Hopefully not asleep yet and I’ll get some good hugs.)

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Um, I have half a dozen things on your list. Want to borrow them to read or copy? Happy almost-bday, J