
Ok. A list.

-I’ve been having weird dreams lately. And by weird, I mean mundane. And almost nightly. Which is weird in the weird sense. Could it be that I am achieving ‘normal’ amounts of REM mode sleep almost nightly????? That hasn’t happened in years. Seriously.

-I had a list of THINGS I was ignoring- all money related. Car registration renewal, school loans, hospital bill, and speeding ticket. I’ve taken care of the middle two online. And once I find my checks, I’ll take care of the outer two.

– I CAN’T FIND MY CHECKBOOKS. UGH. I’m almost thinking I threw them out when I moved. But I wouldn’t’ve done something so dumb, right? Not even I would be so dumb. Right????? UGH.

-My kid didn’t show up to school today. I stayed for half an hour (closer to an hour) and left. Paula just called (at 11am) and said he just got in. heh. Nice of mom to call and tell school he’d be late, etc. We tried to call her and got no answer. I’m so glad I drove a half an hour there just to turn around and come home. grr. At least I can make the hours up, but still. It’s annoying. And it’s the second time she’s done that.

-Not gonna lie, I’m kind of in love with the electric cat pan. It was money well spent. Even tho I do think it freaks the hell out of the cats from time to time. heh.

-I haven’t been reading ANY OD’s, or really anything online cuz 1. it’s no longer comfortable to laze about on the inet anymore with the current computer setup and 2. I’m SO far behind I don’t know that I’ll ever catch up. And in true Echo fashion– the first thing I do when I’m behind in something is put it off even more. Good strategy, eh? I thought so.

-I’ve progressed to Adult Link on Ocarina of Time. Now I’m just trying to get the damn hammer thing in the Death Mountain Crater. And I figured out who got the bunny mask, finally! AND I got the Golden Scale. NOW if only I could win the Diving Game in ZoraLand. heh.

-I need to order more Effexor. I only have 10 days left. Shit.

-had lunch with Donna, Katie and Jill– people I used to work with. FINALLY gave Donna her birthday gift (from August, lol….) It was a photo collage I had made. She got all teary and choked up. I think she liked it 🙂

– DB ‘borrowed’ my phone the other day to (i thought) take her picture. While doing that, she also (on purpose, the little shit!!!) changed the language to spanish. LOL. I SOOOO wanted to be mad at her, but I couldn’t help but laugh, cuz it was really kind of funny. After about an hour, I managed to get it back to english. hehe.

-I stopped off at the office on my way home from school today and then on my way home from that, I saw J walking there (well, I s’pose she coulda been walking anywhere, lol. i just assumed she was going there cuz it’s in the same direction?!! hehe) I was gonna beep but I didn’t want to disturb her. I miss her. She’s good people. lah.

Ok, so I’m having a period. Sort of? Here for an hour, gone for 2 days, here a day, gone the next. Very weird. I usually don’t get it for 6 months, then it stays around for weeks. Ugh. I wish my ovaries would just fall out and I could be done with it. hmph.

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I’m intrigued by this electric cat pan…

Thinking of you.