uncalled for.

I like this year’s NaNoWrimo icons.

I hate drunk college students that walk down ally-ways talking and laughing loudly. I tried to attribute it to jealousy…ya know- they’re out having great times with their friends, and I’m home alone being lonely. Except it’s 2am, I’m not particularly lonely, and I hate being drunk. So. Now I attribute it to just being annoyed by fuckwits who don’t respect the rest of the world while intoxicated. Admittedly I have a pretty low tolerance for anything involving alcohol (tho I’ve gotten better over the years).

But I’m so fucking tired it’s not even funny. I got up late today- when Jennifer called, cuz I was s’posed to be at the FH 10 mins prior (and I had told them to call if it got to be my time to be there and I wasn’t). It was busy, of course. So I rode my bike there and ran around there from 1040am til about 1pm. Rode my bike back home, got my car. Picked up my Little (AND her mom and little brother?????) at 130 (s’posed to be there at 1…) and parked at the FH. Walked in the sweltering (WTF is up with 80 degrees in OCTOBER?? Last year we had SNOW by now.) heat up town. Stood for a while and waited for the girls to come out and perform bits of Annie. DB was adorable, as usual. Fought the millions of ppl at Crafter’s day to get to the park/rides. Walked around with Little til about 3, riding rides. Fought the crowds and walked to the chinese stand to get Little something she’d eat, then walked to MC to get something I’d eat that wasn’t soaked in grease or oil (bagel with humus and sprouts. YUM). Fought the crowds to get BACK to the park. Walked around searching for her mom and bro, who we were to meet at the park around 330 or 4. Get a call from her mom’s boyfriend telling me that mom and bro are waiting at my car at FH….So we walk back there and I drive them home. Then I drive back to my place, get my bike and ride to FH. Still crazy busy. Run around there for 2 more hours. Ride my bike to M’s to watch the kids. Pulled up at 630 just as he was calling me, cuz I was s’posed to be there around 615….it was a day of tardiness for me, apparently.

DB got in shortly after I did- she had been at the fair with a friend. She hadn’t eaten and I offered to take her back uptown for some food, but she was ok with me making her something at home. She decided on pancakes. Which was great til I discovered no eggs. So, ran around to the neighbors til I got an egg. Made her dinner, made me dinner with the leftover batter. Sat down on the couch and chilled for a bit. Was gonna get the kids to bed around 10ish, cuz they were both exhausted and kind of grumpy, and are both in the very long parade tomorrow. Not to mention I was exhausted and using all of my willpower to not be grumpy and am also in the very long parade tomorrow. But when I told them it was time for bedtime snack and bed, DB had apparently txt’d M and asked if she could stay up later and finish watching the movie that I had already told her she wasn’t going to be able to see the whole thing of (she had seen it before and was recording it anyways). So I gave up on not being grumpy, put their snacks on the table and sat on the couch playing computer games. I wasn’t gonna argue.

Eventually RB came in after about an hour and asked if we could go up, so I took him up and got him around for bed and DB came up and got in bed and I got her settled and by the time I got downstairs, E was home. He was pretending he was fine, but I think he was in a crappy mood, too. I finished cleaning up DB & I’s dinner plates, gathered my stuff, and rode my bike home, trying to avoid the scads of drunk people stumbling down the sidewalk and ignoring the “hey, can I ride your bike?!” shouts I kept getting (at least 3, in about 2 blocks.)

Home around 11 or 1130 or so, went right to bed. Up at least 5 times when loud people passed under my window, and finally just got online and played scrabble til now. There was a big “rush” of people around 145, so I wonder if last call was 130? It’s been quiet for almost half an hour, and it’s almost 3. Maybe I can try to sleep again.

Dunno what the point is, since I have to be up in…well, 6 hours I guess. Maybe I’ll get some sleep. To the FH at 10. Pick up Little and her mom and bro (planned this time tho, not just “hey, can we ride to town with you?”), drop them off at the designated part of town, drive my car to M’s and park in the garage, walk to where I need to meet the BBBS people, walk in the parade, drive Little and co home, drive back to FH and work, walk to M’s and babysit again.

Sunday: sleep all fucking day.

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October 5, 2007

I hate the drunk college students here that sole everyone’s white board markers in my house. It’s an all-girl house – and we are the only one’s missing our markers – so we’re pretty sure it was the all-male house that we share the laundry facilities with. Yeah… rambling. Cheers.~

October 5, 2007

ryn: Medium chocolate… milk chocolate? Cheers.~

October 6, 2007

Have you ever had those chocolate oranges? Wow… that’s the only way I can handle chocolate. It doesn’t even taste like chocolate! Espeically the raspberry flavored kind. (Raspberry flavored chocolate oranges. It just blows my mind.) ~

Drunk anybody drives me nuts. I think it’s fine to drink, but geeze o’ pete, know when to stop, people!!! =) Hope you get some good rest.