
Good news? All of my bills are paid for October, except the $11 for health insurance stuff.

Bad news? At the moment I don’t have enough money to pay November’s rent.

*closes eyes*

By this time next week, I will have enough to pay rent. But only just barely.

Do I not work hard enough? Do I spend too much on frivilous things (like, ya know, gas and cat food)?

I don’t understand.

I guess I do. I mean. I didn’t NEED a desk. Tho that doesn’t altogether count, since it went on my credit card and not out of my checking account, so even if I *hadn’t* bought it, I’d still not have enough.

I feel like I just need to get up and walk outside and keep walking.

I feel….dizzy.

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October 22, 2005

I feel that way fairly frequently lately … the just keep walking way. I’m always dizzy … Hugs.

October 22, 2005
October 22, 2005

I know what it feels like to be so broke you wonder what you’re spending on and then realize nothing really, but you’re still broke. Cheesiness in the whole you are not alone bit…