Tobe ornot tobe?

lah lah lah.

So. I told my sister last week, about AJ. I feel as if I should tell my mum, cuz I know H will tell her eventually whether I do or not, if she hasn’t already…and I don’t want mum to know and me never telling her. If that makes sense?

But it’s not like my sister, where I could just be like “soo….there’s this girl….” I mean. That’s a sisterly kind of conversation. But. A mother-daughter conversation? P’raps, in some mother-daughter relationships. But not mine.

I’m thinking she’s kind of…in denial…or something, as she hasn’t mentioned anything about it since I came out at Christmas. *sigh* It’s a pain, ya know? Cuz if she doesn’t want to know about such things, then I don’t need to tell her or shove them under her nose. But if she *wants* to know, then I’d be more than happy to talk about it with her. And it’s not like I can hide behind the “well, I want to see if the relationship is gonna go anywhere…” excuse for not telling her yet.

The relationship is definately going places. 🙂

So. I dunno, I dunno. I haven’t talked to mum in a few weeks anyways. I know, I’m a bad child. I know Patrick and H call her weekly, if not more. But. *shrugs* I just…don’t. Sometimes I feel like such a disappointment or something (not cuz I’m gay, just cuz.)

Whatever. Going to go type up stuff for Dr F since I have to go work for her tomorrow.

lah. They just called and asked me if I could come in to work tonite. I said Yes, since 1. I need the money and 2. I feel the need to repent for not going in when Donna called me this weekend. *sigh* Tho, there must’ve either been more than 1 calloff, or they are extra crazy busy, cuz there were already 7 scheduled, and if there was only 1 calloff, that still leaves 6. And we rarely get more than 5 on night shift. lah. Watch, I’ll come in and there will be too many people and they’ll send me home. eheh. Oh well, we shall see…

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that has to be my favourite pic from all the ones i’ve seen so far. it just glows with.. affection. ~bc (hey, i’m back *looks around*)

July 26, 2005

blech. puke. all you damned happy snuggly couples 😉 you are so awesome for coming out to your mom in the first place–it’ll be her loss if she keeps in a state of denial. and thanks for your note xxoo

ryn: 🙂 …hey you. I know you’re “out there” & stuff. A response isn’t required. 🙂 Really. I LOVE this picture!!!

…oh & by “out there” I mean… I know you’re flitting about on the ‘net & reading & *stuff*… not like “out there-out there”… 😀 you know? One of my very good ‘net friends (we’ve met for “real” several times) goes through stages that she calls “prickly.” Where I can email her & note her & even call & leave her voicemail & she won’t respond because she’s just feeling quiet & deep & doesn’t

feel like talking or being “drawn out” of that prickly shell you know? So… I just keep noting & calling & emailing & I know that when she’s UP to “talking” she’ll talk. So. You know. 🙂

H, Cool that you told H! Her response? Could you talk to her about talking to your mum about AJ? What does she think? Hugs much, Jeanne

July 27, 2005

Awww, you two look adorable together! —