To doing. Still. Ugh. heh.

wee. actually being productive. I’m ready for my psy soc exam. And tomorrow I can spend the day getting ready for the cardiac quiz. wee. right now i need to get ready to go to a recital that Em is playing in. and then imbibe in some rum slushies….good times

First Napster, now WinMX. pltzzzz. Ares is my new best friend. :op Not as nice as winMX in terms of you can only do one search at a time (so far as I’ve figured out yet). But, seems kind of more reliable. Looks “prettier” I mean. Less like DOS and more like AOL. heh. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I’ve managed to get -some- stuff crossed off of my TDL. And am about to go work on/finish the cheat sheet for soc psy. lah. At least I feel mildly productive. Kind of. heh.
I think Em and I have made plans to drink a whole lot of alcohol tomorrow nite. lol. In our case, that entails about one 7-11 rum slushie each. At least, that’s all it took for me the last time! Not stupid drunk. Just tipsy silly. heh.

1. Clean Apt
clean out fridge
cupboard change/organise
dry swift
wet swift
mop prn.

books on shelves
papers in folders
clean off desk
straighten bookshelves

laundry in proper bins
toilet bowl thingie into tolet

living room
Clean Animal cages
Clean catpan (CHANGE LITTER!!)

2. Bills etc
sort thru pile by desk
pay verizon
pay Rent
deposit check from M, workstudy, staples rebate

3. Car stuff
clean out
appt for inspection

4. School Stuff
notes off recorder
Gather all notebooks
punch holes in all handouts to put in binders.
Make cheat sheet for Soc Psy Exam on Monday
Read Ch 26 in Brunners for quiz on Monday
Read Ch27 Brunners
Study Guides Ch 26/27
Figure out teaching stuff for Clinical
Figure out care plan stuff to turn in- demographics and such
online ECG strips?

5. Shopping
Groceries–soda, water, chips, bagel bites, frozen waffles, tv dinners, soft pretzels, bread (wheat), bagels (white), cereal, kashi bars, processed cheese,
Other Stuff– cat litter, conditioner, laundry detergent etc, garbage bags, mouse, earphones

6. Laundry

7. Hang wall-hanging Jay got me from ecuador

8. Freecycle stuff
broken stereo/boom box
corded telephone
other stuff I’m sure I’ll find thru the day.

9. Allies Stuff
Write up/send out Minutes
organize tote
clean out emails
clean up address book
print new Mtg Min sheets
turn in roster/etc

Log in to write a note
September 23, 2005


(I’m too tired to read your TDL 🙂 it was making me feel more tired… LOL) ryn: hee hee… that was FUNNY. She was cute. I wish I’d had dinner out with HER instead–trust me!! 🙂 xxoo,

& tipsy silly sounds really–REALLY good right about now. I could go for some yummy strawberry (like REAL strawberry–not from mix) margarita’s… Mmmmmm… 🙂 I usually only need one BIG one. 🙂

ryn: LOL, I realized AFTER reading your note how that could be interpreted as a metaphor (honestly wasn’t even thinking about it before, just inventing some BS… haha). So I rewrote it because I found the metaphor interpretation incredibly disturbing!

September 23, 2005
September 23, 2005

i bet the cats are happier now

September 24, 2005

Mmmm… bagel bites. Oh, and I like how “Rent” warrants a capital letter, while “verizon” doesn’t. Poetic. ‘:)