to do

Ok, so. I am a big fan of lists. Except…I make a million To Do Lists and then never actually cross things off. Which leaves me feeling somewhat shitty. So. Right now I shall make a “Did Do” list, of things I accomplished today….

-got out of bed. wOoT!
-took meds
-wrote rent check and took it to the post office to mail it, since I have no stamps
-got the title of my car notarized, so I can set up an appt with the towing people and have it towed off to The Children’s Home for charity
-went to campus to drop of Allies stuff at the psych dept, but no one was theeere!!!
-went to the liquor store and got empty boxes
-packed said boxes with picture frames and books
-took all of the boxes to new place
-went to other liquor store for more boxes, but they were all out
-went to m’s and ate some cereal while watching L&O
-went to dinner with M & co

Now I’m home again. I’m going to go do the dishes, finally, and then perhaps pack some more boxes if I can find any in the closet.

Oh, I *did* go out and take pictures of the rain last nite. Not sure how they turned out yet cuz I didn’t dl them. What I did was put the camera in a plastic sandwich baggie. It didn’t seem to blur the pics any. But I guess I’ll find out when I dl them.

But, Jan is coming over tomorrow to pic up her cat picture, cuz she’s entering it in a contest. So I’d like the place to at least not be disgusting! And, I need to eventually tell my landlord that I’m leaving, so the place needs to be presentable enough for her to show it to ppl I guess.

I do feel like I made some progress today. Maybe because there are 3 shelves on the big bookcase that are empty and most of the photos are gone from the walls!

Plus, I think if I get the place cleaned up a bit, I might borrow M’s van sooner rather than later and get some big furniture moved.

I think there’s a ghost in here. The cat is walking around staring at the ceiling, and I don’t hear any animals scritching up there like I usually do, so I don’t think that’s what she’s looking for. It would suck to find out that this place had spirits in it right before I moved!!!

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I love your profile photo.

June 5, 2007

What you need to do see, is do something, then put it on your list, THEN scratch it out. Viola! A to do list that has everything on it scratched off!

June 5, 2007

ghosts? cool. i was obsessed with finding them in 2nd grade. *~

I don’t mind spirits. I’m also looking forward to the baggie pics. I wouldn’t have thought to do that and I’m curious to see how they turned out. =o)

June 6, 2007

ugh. i dread packing up and moving.