Time after time….

1. Being (relatively) caught up with all of my nursing work.
2. My lovely, lovely kitties who are soft and cuddle-y and adorable.
3. Music.
4. Toasty warm, semi-clean comfy apartments.
5. Reading weird fairy tales to freshly cleaned kids
6. Ever-patient therapist type people.
7. Email.
8. BAT BOYS! *grin*

Therapy was better today, tho there were some technical problems with the cd-player. hehe. But I was more…relaxed? Or at least, less tense (not always the same thing!) at the end. And we did some meditation and I didn’t freak out. Much. eheh. I did a little at the beginning, but then I was ok.

I think I managed to mostly figure out how to do the pediatric calculations for my independant study packet for Clinical, so that’s good.

I think I’m gonna go to campus and get dinner and then go see Batboy (the musical) and then go to Wally World.

Lah. I’m mildly hyper right now. P’raps I’m compensating. *shrugs*

I spent an hour calling dentists and about 2 and a half hours combing thru the phone book for dentists, pediatricians, PCP’s and ob/gyn’s for Dr F today. Well, not for her personally. But for the research thingiemading that she’s working on. wOOt.

Time to go do. things.

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Yay for a list of “YAY’s!” šŸ™‚ all of which sound very nice btw. šŸ˜‰ xxoo,