
Oi. So, I was up til about 2am this morning, just doing random things on the computer. So I didn’t get up as early as I wanted. But I still got over to the new place by about 1030 and, as I said, JV helped me to move some stuff around.

I am EXHAUSTED from moving stuff. About a million trips up and down the stairs. UGH.

BUT. There’s a huge dent made in the new place. I should (hopefully) finish up with stuff there tomorrow and can begin to move my stuff innnnn!

My game plan:

Since I am too tired right now to do any more trips up and down the stairs, I’m gonna close up shop here and go home. Once there:

-do my dishes. Put the set I want to keep in a box and bring it here tomorrow. I don’t NEED two sets of dishes. I’m only ONE person!!! One set was from my sister (actually both were?) from way back when I first moved out on my own. The second set is a set she was getting rid of cuz she decided that SHE didn’t need two sets of dishes any more, lol.

-watch some Stargate SG-1 while I put stuff in boxes, like DVD’s and CD’s and VHS tapes.

Depending on how wiped out I am by that point, I might start pulling crap out of the closet in the tv room, although most of it is boxes and stuff that needs to be free-cycled. BUT, the rest is stuff that is just going to end up going under the bed/in cubby places at the new place, so it makes sense to get it moved over here first.

I plan on moving as much of my little stuff over as possible, so when it comes time to move furniture, all I’ll have are empty shelves and things. Not sure yet who I’m gonna get to help me move. I always hate asking, since I live on a third floor apt and am moving to an above-the-garage (but only one flight up) apartment. The good news is that there aren’t near as many twists and turns in this staircase as there are in the one that I’m moving out of. Wish I could figure a way to move my furniture at least *down* all by myself. lah.

I’m going to borrow M’s van to move the big stuff. She helped me move the last time, but I’m not sure if she’ll have time this time. Jay and his brother live a few houses away from the new place. Maybe they can help. And Jay’s boyfriend.

I REALLY need to get my current place in a decent enough shape that I can tell my landlord that I’m moving out. That way if/when she says “ok, I’m bringing someone over to look at it!” she can.

I think all of my stuff will fit here. Tho I’m gonna have a shitload of stuff to freecycle. Wish I could have a garage sale but I have no garage or even a yard on which to do so! heh. I plan on getting rid of a LOT of clothing.

Ok. Gonna go now. Lah. That requires moving.

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Isn’t moving the worst! And stairs — they’re a killer! But, I have to admit, I love decorating a new place. What fun!

…wish I was there to help you move, clean, reorganize… which reminds me, do I need a new mailing address for you? I’m horrible about sending regular mail & stuff but like knowing that I *could*–if I should get the notion to… 😉

Good luck with the rest of the move.