
Ok. So. Things.

-I have a dog. Her name is Lucy. Short for Lucifer. She is 12 or 13 or so. Deaf and nearly blind. Otherwise in good health. I acquired her from my boss. She was probably abused in her home prior to that.

-My boss and I are, I think, friends. Anyone who knows me knows my relationships are always…I dunno…strange. Unconventional. Something.

-I had a girlfriend for a very short while and in that short while she got me a kitten, so I have 3 cats now. (And a rat and a fish, but they didn’t come from her.)


-I work at a college cafeteria. I started out as a "line runner", which is the person who stocks the plates, silverware, cups, juices, etc. But in the 3 years I’ve been there (oh. It has been three years. So perhaps this is not news.) I’ve worked in most of the positions there are. Most recently I signed up for and got a cashier position, so no more line running or grill cooking for me. Until someone calls off and they need me to fill in :op One day a week I also server as the Social Media Coordinator, which means I take care of the website and facebook page. Woohoo. But I get paid a dollar more an hour to do that, so it’s all good.

-This year the photo I entered in the autumn art show won Honorable Mention in the professional category. So I’ve won an award almost every year I’ve entered. That’s pretty cool.

-I started running a few (maybe 2?) years ago. (So maybe also not new news). I stopped for a while recently due to some overwhelming depression, but so far this year I’ve run 3 out of 4 days. So that’s something.

-Sex with boys is icky.

-I have NO idea what my photobucket password is, so I have no idea how to post pictures on here any more 🙁
***Edit- I obviously figured out my name and pw. Now, to figure out how to post pictures that aren’t HUGE! Oops….***

***Edit** Thanks Kim!! Now the pics aren’t superhuge!

That’s all I can think of right now!

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January 4, 2013

Call me sappy but I’m a sucker for a dog in a sweater. *nods* Sounds like you got some good things going on. Bravo for you!!

January 4, 2013

The kitten reminds me of a friend of mine. Did you have to apply to be Social Media Coordinator or did somebody volunteer you?

January 4, 2013

i like all these things. xox *~

You!!! *waves*