
Just so we’re all clear on this:

Amanda Tapping is C U T E!!!!!!!!!!

Therapy today– J gave me an egg. It is from one of the chickens Doc P raises, a chicken called Nearly Headless Nick. heh.

My assignment is to be as gentle with myself this week as I am with the egg. She’s weird. 😉

She thinks perhaps it would be best for me to focus on meditation and yoga rather than therapy.

One of her kids stopped by while I was there. That always kind of makes me smile.

Back to Stargate SG-1 Wee…..

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February 6, 2007

RYN; Thank you. Most likely, I plan to be editing this entry with more poetry/song lyrics through the evening. 🙂

Doc P is a fan of Harry Potter then? -bc (wow, i haven’t left a note in like forever)

When I was active in yoga and meditation I don’t think I can recall a time when I EVER in my life felt better about all things. I personally think the meditation was the clincher for me though. yoga was a great catalyst (word choice, maybe?) but meditation really MADE it. Of course, try as I might I can’t seem to get back to that place where I can be quiet & non-judgemental with myself thesedays. 🙁 🙂