
soooooo tired.
Waiting for meds to kick in.
Spent a long, lovely weekend hanging out with M and the kids.
Friday nite I went to the dance concert with M and DB and 6 or so of DB’s friends. Then went home with them all and helped out with DB’s 10th b-day party sleepover. The girls were good and didn’t get in to much trouble. M & I just hung out. Started to watch Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood and she fell asleep and I was falling asleep so I turned it off and went to bed.
Got up in the morning and helped out some more. Picked up the kids from rehearsal for a christmas music concert thing that they and M were part of and dropped DB off at another party and played out in the snow with RB til M got home.
Then today I went and recorded the concert for M. Then came home and put my clothes away/cleaned out my closet, sort of.
Not much in the mood for writing these days, apparently.

DB borrowed some sort of buzzer thing from her school I think. They played trivia games until it was time for the concert.

Of course, DB got to be the host 🙂

The opening of gifts.

Such a cutie.

DB seemed to enjoy the cake!

M had her picture put on it 🙂

While waiting for parents to arrive, M gave the girls a bit of a history lesson. (They went thru DB’s baby book)

RB and I created a snowman. Small but fun.

Posing with our creation.

Notice the stick. It was a ninja snowman.

Notice the genuine carrot nose. And. Uhm. Dog food eyes….

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December 10, 2006

HA! dog food eyes. xoox *~

We haven’t had enough snow yet to build a snow man. =o/

December 11, 2006

tooooo cute!!

December 18, 2006

not just cute; she’s a ham, too. think she’ll go be a professor? or just rule the world?