
So. I definately arrived home to the smell of BURNING in my apartment.

Apparently one of the cats knocked Rockie’s heat lamp off the cage and it was burning a hole thru the carpet.

UGH. Now not only does my apt stink of burning, but I have a HOLE in the carpet. Which would be fine. If I OWNED the carpet. I do not, however; I rent.

Luckily, I do believe there are scraps of the carpet in one of the closets. So with any luck and an exacto knife, I can repair without anyone ie, the landlords being any the wiser.


Of course, I ALSO came home to Season 1 of The L Word on dvd from my most favouritest (and only) bee charmer. So, yay! I can finally see what all the fuss is about!

AJ and I watched Thelma & Louise last nite. I had never seen it.

Needless to say, I enjoyed the hell out of it.

I need to sleep. I work tonite. bleurgh. But. Need the money. Double bleurgh.

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Good luck at repairing the carpet! I don’t miss those apt days! And yay for the L word-I need to go rent the next in the season, I miss watching my weekly rental of it!!

March 20, 2006

Thelma and Louise is THE best – yeah, we need to work on your list…

Oh… the L Word–worthy of “fuss”. If I could figure out how to work my damn DVD burner properly I could burn the 1st & 2nd seasons that are on my hard drive. Unfortunately I can’t seem to make it work fast enough to make it seem worthwhile-ish. (12 hours to re-encode & burn 2 episodes of Lost for instance–UGH! Anyway!!) & of course, Thelma & Louise is fabulous. xxoo,

March 21, 2006

An exacto knife’ll put it down, and if you use a hair dryer, it’ll “burn” the plastic on the back of the carpet down, and into the rest of the carpet. It’ll look good as new!

I’ve actually heard to use rubber cement to glue the carpet down. never did it myself, but it sounds like it’d work?! ~Cindella311