the road to torino

i definately failed my exam. oh yeah. definately. like, badly.

i wonder, if i hold everything in and don’t show an ounce of emotion, will i rupture something? cuz i think that’d be my preference right now. internal hemorrage.

i shoulda known better than to’ve thrown away that razor.

lungs. they should be the first to go, cuz they already feel like they’re on the verge of exploding or being crushed.

but whatever.

i don’t even feel like doing the homework for my class tomorrow. how sad is that, since all i have to do is finish reading a 3 page article and then write up a 300-500 page reflective paper on it. which means basically babbling about whatever the hell i want, so long as it’s somehow related. maybe i’ll do it after clinical tomorrow.
maybe not.

right now?



the end.

maybe in that order. :op

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I failed an exam too! W00t… Go us! Lolz…