The Importance of Anna Nicole Smith

Tell me, what would this country do if the media spent as much time covering the death of every single soldier who’s died in Iraq/ Afghanistan/ etc?

On every homeless person that freezes to death in the winter?
On every child beaten to death by their own parent?
On every cancer patient who succumbs to the illness?
On every college student who kills their self?
On every civilian killed by bombs?
On every lgtb person killed by a hate crime?
On every prisoner executed by the government?
On every person killed by a drunk driver?
On every stray the animal shelter puts to death?
On every Jew, Homosexual, etc person killed in concentration camps?
On every mother who dies before her children are old?
On every child who dies before they really have a chance to experience life?

Why don’t we contemplate those deaths for days on end, squabble over where their fortunes are going or who is going to pay their debts?

Why don’t we put their faces on every magazine?

Why don’t we update hourly on the latest minute detail of their fates?

Because obviously famous, eccentric people are the only ones to ever suffer a tragedy great enough to consume the attention of millions for days on end.


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February 10, 2007

amen sister. please e-mail this to major news networks? or give me permission to? xoxo *~

February 10, 2007

I couldnt have said it better myself! I agree 100% with you

It’s about a name put to the face prior to death, otherwise they’re anonymous, a statistic. =o(

…this echoes my feelings on this whole… THING. My feelings though? …on the “why?” Seriously. The undercurrent would suggest that we have entered a period where so much is so f***ing awful these days that the only thing we desire is escapism. Evidently it’s at a high last seen during the big Depression… hence the popularity of shows such as Heroes (for me this is true) and trashreading. People simply cannot absorb anymore tragedy.

Oh so true.

February 11, 2007

There is nothing America likes more than seeing the people who achieved their secret dreams go down in flames. It is as if to say “Well, okay, she got to be rich and famous and considered beautiful but she’s dead before she’s forty! I am slightly more sated in my lot and less likely to be involved in a class war!” The fox couldn’t reach the grapes hanging off the tree and was happyto discover that they turned out to be sour, you know? Circuses for all the people without enough bread. Also? Huge rack on that girl. Huge.

February 11, 2007

um, that doesn’t make any sense. the news that is covered is the news that the most people want to read. people want to read about other people mostly just if they know who they are. just because we can’t cover every single person who dies every day in america doesn’t mean we should stop covering the deaths that people are most interested in.

February 12, 2007

If the world knew those people, the news would cover them. Just because she was somewhat “undesirable” doesn’t make it less newsworthy. Her life was worth something and it’s sad that she’s dead. She deserves respect, just like all the other people you listed.

Cuz they don’t got those massive teats.

February 13, 2007

agree 100%