The Fog

Well, I didn’t run today buuuuut…..

I did manage to get up and around to make it to my mtg on time. It was a good one and I actually talked to a few women afterwards who gave me their number and, for the first time, I admitted to someone there why I’m there (not really cuz of alcoholism, but more addiction to cutting and such) and she was like "We’re all here for the same basic thing, regardless what our addiction is…." So that was really helpful.

Went to La’s after, ended up spending several hours with her, running errands and working on her resume and just chatting. It feels so good to just Be. I always feel refreshed and almost renewed after spending the day tagging along after her as we drive around to this store and that store and she chatters on about her job and life and kids and such. I usually don’t say much, but it works out well cuz I love just listening.

After hanging out with her from noon til about 5, I left and took some pictures of this installation art place that I always pass….it was a really foggy night and I thought I’d get some good spooky shots.

I also stopped by a lake and got some shots of the fog and ice and trees. Nothing spectacular, but it felt good to just be taking pictures.

I probably need to play with the contrast on this one, might make it a little clearer. Still, I like it. A sidestory: I struggle with the concept of a Higher Power. I’ve mentioned to La that I feel closest to it in moments like these- when nature takes my breath away with its sheer….perfection. It’s so powerful and I wonder if everyone feels that way. Anyways. La kind of indicated that p’raps that *was* my HP, that I didn’t need to dig and scrape and search for more than that. But you know me. Dig until my nails bleed kind of gal. So. In some respects, I’m closer to having a higher power in my life than I’ve ever been, but I still don’t get it. I still can’t let go enough to trust that that HP is something that can, as they say, restore me to sanity. But still. On days like today when driving through the fog, I was just transfixed with the power of nature. Something created that. Something outside myself, obviously. Something greater than myself, definitely. I dunno. Deep thoughts, deep thoughts.

By the time I got back in to town I had just enough time to stop and get a bottle of wine (not that I was going to drink it, but it’s just protocol to bring a bottle to book club, I guess), reread the short story, and walk to Book Club.  There’re only 4 of us in the group…5 but the one woman is on sabbatical in MA so she doesn’t make the meetings, so it’s very cozy and nice. And we had a lovely dinner and a nice discussion and we picked our next books. We’re going to read Sweet Tooth by Ian McEwan next and then Daughter of Smoke and Bone  after that.

Then I came home, fed the critters, worked on La’s resume and here I am, babbling away just like old times. A good day. A good day indeed.

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January 12, 2013

Fog isn’t supposed to be clear.

January 12, 2013

ryn: Yeah, I know. It was a lame note. Tonight my brane is laim. What can I say?

RYN: Excellent words. I use myriad more than is healthy. =)

I like getting not private notes from you very much! 🙂

Yay for good days. & I like your spooky shots.