the 60 second shrink


So. I did go and sleep for a little bit. And then my phone rang but it only just barely woke me up. And then someone knocked on the door and I ignored it, cuz I was in bed and didn’t want to be bothered to put pants, etc on. But then the knocking continued, so I stumbled down the stairs, all prepared to be properly pissed off and grumpy at whomever had interrupted my sleep.

Except that it was AJ. *grin* She drove all the way here and surprised me. hehe. So. Yeah. Be jealous. Cuz she’s MINEMINEMINE pltzzzzzzz. :oD

AND she brought me presents!! hehe. Madagascar!!!!! loooooooooooove her 🙂

Also nice smelling bath soap (actually, johnson and johnsons calming stuff, not sure if it’s for babies, but I do remember giving RB and DB baths in it, and I loooove how it smells. lavendar and such. mmm. And a loofah. And peanutbutterchocolate hugs. :o)

So last nite we curled up and watched that. And today. hmm. *sigh*

Today was rough. I had called J yesterday, cuz we had been talking about doing a couple’s session type thing, so I called and asked if she had any time this weekend, and she did. So we went and saw her today. And. Yeah. Rough would be an apt description. Even rougher afterwards, tho.

Sometimes I just wish I could go to sleep and wake up and have all this stupid shit be gone. Frustrated. I dunno. *sigh* And I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. I just wanted to be curled up in bed.

Oh well. We just went to V’s and ate some italian (AJ is addicted, I do believe…) and now I’m full and tired and emotionally drained. Bed, soon.

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The only way out is through. Just keep talking and working on things, even when they’re scary. Hugs, Jeanne

~*~super soft “just you rest & be full & tired & drained & it’s ok” kinda hugs~*~ I’m glad you had a wonderful “surprise” & fun stuff even if there were parts of the visit that were ROUGH. xxoo,