That tattoo says, ‘i screw my dog'” **edit*

Well, per my anonymous noter, my tattoo does not, in fact, say what I thought it said, rather it says “I screw my dog”

DAMNIT. Now everyone’s gonna get the wrong idea.


I coulda SWORN the last symbol meant “cat” not “dog”.

It’s gonna cost a fortune to get it fixed…..

————-E D I T——————–

LOL…Ok, ok….I was being sarcastic! I do that from time to time….
Do y’all really think I would permanently mark my body in such a prominent place without doing some research in to what it said? I’m not *that* impulsive 🙂

Now mine doesn’t look exactly like that, cuz as I mentioned before, there are many definitions of “accept” and also different styles to write it in.
But don’t worry, I cross referenced at least a dozen sources. No, my tattoo does NOT say I screw my dog, and no I did NOT want it to say I screw my cat. *rolls eyes*

It says “accept” or “acceptance” Not the being resigned kind, but the…the kind that I mean, lol.

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February 15, 2007

And that’s why you always get tattoos done in a language you know well.

Cute- very, extremely cute.

February 15, 2007

thats why you get a english to whatever language dictionary so you know it is right…otherwise you end up with what ya got…random noter…peace…

February 15, 2007

are you serious?

Oh my.


February 15, 2007

heh heh…heh? xoxo *~

I have a very simple solution. Just get a dog.

February 15, 2007

WOW that sucks. Are you sure they weren’t just kidding? RYN: We have a couple of cryptic crossword collections that we got at Borders. It’s hard to describe how to decipher the clues, but here’s a helpful link:

Whew. I’ll admit I’m relieved. That all seemed terribly uncharacteristic of you. =oP

Heh, I missed the sarcasm… silly me. I’m glad your arm doesn’t say that you screw your dog.

February 15, 2007

*grin* you’re such a goof. It’s a good tattoo.

RYN: If I weren’t so slow, I’d chase after you and kick your butt for that one. =oP

you know, if you tilt yer head sideways and close one eye, that looks like it says “I screw my pig”. -bc, who hates it when kanji looks deceptively like chinese