Thanks and Apologies

I suppose, p’raps, that I should have titled this “Apologies and Thanks” since the first order of business is to apologize profusely to those of you who’ve been so kind and patient for/with me these last few weeks. (months…years, in some cases…)

But especially to THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the gifts and cards. I was literally floored when I received a package in the mail from my favourite Dork. (lol…especially since I don’t recall ever giving him my address…hmmm…..then again, p’raps I did? lol…) And I’ve started on the first of the three books the package contained. Admittedly I wasn’t totally loving it at first, cuz it sort of throws you in to a world without prior explanation (and I thought I had started on the wrong book, but I hadn’t…) but I’m to about chapter 8 now, and am thoroughly hooked. 🙂 And the second part of the gift–well. I’m speechless. Fontless. Thank you.

And, as a sidenote, the cats- namely Pandora- immediately claimed the box as their own. heh. 🙂 Which is funny because she really doesn’t *fit* in it. But oh, how she tries.

And I may’ve said thanks already for another wonderful card that broke the monotony of shut-off notices from the Fire-y One herself, but every time I look at it I do smile a bit. There’s just something wonderful about hand-made cards. And pictures of beautiful women cuddling adorable puppies.*grin* hehe.

Life….well. It continues. Got another shut off notice today. (so let’s see, so far that’s the electric, the gas, and the credit card people. The good news is, there’s not much else to shut off….)

But the other good news is, I *did* work at the psych center last weekend and found that I got a raise, apparently. And my sis gave me some money for my birthday. And my paycheck from TSS was actually 2 whole weeks’ worth, instead of missing days from me being an asshole or from the snow or whatever. So, yay.

I ‘fixed’ things with the credit card people, so that’s taken care of. And M gave me a big chunk of money, too, so rent’s covered for another month. WoOt. And, my heat is blowing, so apparently they haven’t shut the gas off. And I sent them a payment this week, so.

Also, it’s easter, and there’s almost an inch of snow on the ground. That’s fun.

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Your welcome. =o)

RYN: MONSTERS!!! Though, most of my paying work is in pet portraiture. =o)

…here’s to good friends… ryn: you don’t apologize for a thang… just curl up next to me & hold onto that safe feeling or whatever it is I’m managing to provide without knowing what I’m doing myself. *smirky smirk* (love you mean it, babe… that is all, really) (((hugs)))

April 9, 2007

Woot! All about cool things (that don’t smell) in the mail!—->