Thank frikkin gawd it’s finally frikkin friday!!!!!

Oi. Long week. Growlie wasn’t awful this week- but he requires a near infinite amount of patience. Wears me out! Because he was absent one day and because he argues and refuses to do a lot of stuff, he didn’t earn enough points this week to get a prize. When he realized he didn’t get a prize, he put his head down and was crying to himself! Broke my heart! Cuz he didn’t fuss or say anything or kick or punch. He just hid his head and sat up again in a few minutes and wiped his eyes off. Poor little guy.

But. That’s what happens when you spend 60-80% of your day crawling under chairs, growling at the people around you, and arguing everything from the facts of mathematics to the colour of the sky. Maybe it will help next week be better?

I do feel bad tho, cuz this week was, in a sense, a better week for him than last week. He had less zero’s this week, but more 1’s. But. I checked with the teacher, to see if she thought I was being too harsh or too strict and she said she didn’t think that I was. So.

I took a seroquel a few minutes ago and I am going to curl up and crash soon, and sleep in as looong as I want to tomorrow. I’m tiiiiiiired.

It bugs me that both of my paychecks are already spent. I can’t seem to catch up 🙁 Cuz looking at the forecast, I don’t know that I’m going to have enough to pay my car payment on the 1st. Maybe I will, with the check my sis gave me for babysitting this weekend. But I *still* haven’t paid the $80 speeding ticket. Ugh.

Oh well. Not gonna worry about it right now. Gonna just get comfy and sleeeeep. yummy, yummy sleep.

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I hate working and then spending all my money, plus money I don’t have, on bills. Ugh! Hope you get some good rest. =)

Rest well. You’ve earned it.

Awww… that Growlie story broke *my* heart!! ((((hugs)))))

September 22, 2007

Hugs honey. And have a good and blissful sleep for yourself. 🙂 Take care.