technical difficulties

Home from NYC.
Only spent roughly $20. Did get a $95 parking ticket, which I’m going to contest (the sign was bent all whopper jawed, not to mention we parked at nite, and there was no “don’t park here” signs.) And the girl who paid for the gas is going to pay it if I don’t win it.

I’m rather proud of myself– I drove IN NYC. I cut people off, I edged in, I weaved out, I blocked intersections. I was like a natural. *grin*

Don’t plan on doing it again any time soon tho. Woulda prolly cost just as much to park at the airport and ride the shuttle, like AJ and I did. ESPECIALLY with the added fee of the parking ticket! It was $40 for the parking garage we moved the car to the next morning when we saw I got a ticket. I forget how much it cost for airport parking and shuttle riding. But I don’t *think* it was more than $100!! Which is what it woulda cost for 2 nites overnite in the parking garage. More, probably since we were there less than 24 hours and it still cost $40.

We got sandwiches from this place called Press Toast. OMFG….I got peanut butter and honey with bananas. It was DIVINE. And cheap! 🙂

I had a lovely time, tho we didn’t do much. Rode the subway a whole lot. Went to see Ground Zero which is basically just a construction site now. Went to Battery Park and saw the Statue since Pam hadn’t seen it on her previous trips. Went shoe shopping for Pam (her goal was to buy hooker boots.) She was successful. Saw Washington Square, where all the people play chess and stuff. Tho it was nite time the first time we went thru and freezing cold day time the second time we went thru.

That’s about all we did. Ate breakfast at one of the dining halls of NYU. Oh my gawd, talk about amazing! Kicks the arse out of the dining hall on this campus, that’s for sure!!! There were bagels with locks (is that spelled right?…salmon..) and 9 kinds of cheesecake, not to mention carrot cake, cupcakes, angel food cake. EVERYTHING you can ever want to eat. Yum.

I need to go to bed. I so do not want to go to work tomorrow. *groan* And I need to remember that I have supervision at 445.

I would post pictures, but I believe my camera has died. Or is dying. It still takes pictures, occasionally. And it unloaded *some* of them. But it won’t unload the rest. Gonna take my memory card to Wally World and see if perhaps it’s just a problem with the card and NOT a problem with the camera.

Sleepy time.

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(((hugs))) …was thinking ’bout you this morning. Hoping to hear from you & thinking it was sad that you might be mostly ‘net-less soon. ? Thinking I should try really really hard to write honest to god snail mail letters to keep in touch. 🙂 Glad you had a good time. Hoping your cam issue is a memory card problem & not the camera!! (that happened to ours & it was a memory card problem) ((hugs))

mmm. lox and cream cheese. on a bagel. how new york/jewish deli/home! i miss bagels. i’m proud of you, too. just FYI.

1. I envy your mad NYC driving skillz. I’d certainly not want to drive there. 2. My camera began dying when I was in NYC. =o( 3. RYN: Thank you for sharing the address info. I promise not to stalk. =o) AND is your name really Holly Button? I think that’s one of the cutest/best names I’ve EVER heard. My niece is a Holly too. =o)

ryn: *laugh* You’ll have no idea how close to the truth you are with that “eat your spleen” comment until you finish watching it. *snort*

I have a bad habit of forgetting that some of my readers are on dial-up. Here’s the lower quality google video version for less painful downloading:

February 27, 2007

good job!