tat2! & other pics *edit*

Finally did it!
Interestingly, it physically feels almost identical to cutting. hmm.

And right now it stings, lol. It didn’t hurt too horribly to have it done, tho in places it of course hurt a WHOLE lot more, such as over the more ‘fatty’ part of my arm. (Ok, not to be like, I dunno…I don’t mean it in a “ha ha” kind of way, but seriously? I don’t really *have* any fat on my lower arms!) So I guess it’s more over the muscle.

Anyways. It’s a dark brown, which I thought would look better than black. That would’ve been *too* contrasting for me. I like the brown. I’m quite pleased with it 🙂

It’s still wrapped, of course, as I just got home. But here’s a preview!

Today is H’s birthday. She’s 36. Mum’s at her house for the weekend. I might go, since AJ’s working this weekend. lah.

Here’s some other pics:

Journey, who insists on laying ON my arm when I sit on the couch and try to use the computer!!!

Kleio, basking:

The cemetery in winter (i am kinda bummed, cuz my batteries totally died and I could only get a few pics, this is the only one that I really liked, compositionally.):

I liked the contrast of red on white:

But I think I liked the contrast of black and white even more- I like how the sled almost seems to have an unearthly glow around it:

A moment, while walking to M’s, that I was glad that I almost always have my camera in my pocket:

Photoshopped (inverted it):

Lah. That’s all for now 🙂

The bandage removed. Went over and saw M to borrow her tattoo lotion since the Studio was out of it tonite. They’ll be getting more in tomorrow, but I needed at least the ointment tonite. Anyways. Cover removed::::::

hehe. Yes, I’m in a photoshop mood tonite. Here it is non-altered:

Grrrrrrr….damn cricket is chirping and driving me bonkers.

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February 8, 2007

SWEEEEET! xoxo *~

February 8, 2007

Cool tattoo

The black and white sled picture reminds me of one of those UFO conspiracy pictures from the 50s. Better send it in to the National Enquirer. 😉 Nice tattoo!

ryn: No, she was the former Playmate turned actress who was once married to the reaaaaally old guy (I think you mentioned that in your first note). But maybe OJ did it!!

ryn: no, the register showed that it’d been opened 20 minutes after we’d left for the night… *eep* and I’m a dork, btw, I LOVE love love the books!!! 😀 xxoo,

I also love the tattoo. (interesting on the cutting association, hmmm, is right) & Kleio, omg–the little arms/hands folded thing is too cute.

February 8, 2007

The cemetary picture is beautiful!

February 8, 2007

all beautiful

I think brown was a good idea. I like it. =o)

February 8, 2007

what a gorgeous kitty! I just want to rub my face in her