
i don;t have anything to write.

i’m at my sisters watching the baby.

he’s spoiled. mostly sweet, i guess. likes to scream. esp if he doesn’t get his own way.

i feel evil for being glad that he’s going to daycare tomorrow.

tho, the plan was that i’d come and pick him up from daycare BOTH days, but then my sister decided to let him stay home today (she hates sending him to daycare….) and *shrugs* whatever. i was glad to spend time with him. but i had planned to kind of sleep alot of the day since i’m not recouped from xmas weekend yet and am exhausted, physically. so. chasing after the baby wasn’t what i expected to do.

at least i can sleep tomorrow a bit.

H got me Spirited Away for xmas. Good movie. I really want Princess Mononoke.

want want want.

so fucking greedy.

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I looove Spirited Away. =o)

December 30, 2005
December 31, 2005

princess mononoke is better; good to want it :> spirited away is good…only very, very weird.

Spirited Away is tucked into my Must See Movies… 🙂 Sleep. OMG. That was like ALL I did out in MN–really. Early to bed–late to rise… 2-4 hour naps almost every afternoon. …tired much? 🙂